How can i sell my exclusive story

I would go around all the dentists and doctors in my area and see what mags they have, from there it is just a simple case of contacting your chosen one.
Tell us what it it, promise we won’t tell anyone.
Just film yourself walking into a closed patio door and send it into you’ve been framed if you’re so desperate for cash. Just make sure it looks like the video was from the 90’s so they know it’s genuine.
OP really is a strange fish.

But to answer your question, go onto the newspaper, magazines website and you will see a link/email/telephone number, usually entitled, "Got a story?"

Pretty simple.
I genuinely can't tell anymore if the OP is a parody account. Pretty much every thread of his seems to be about scummy ways to grift.
A Top Gear presenter has put themselves in the public view so is "fair game". But the father of a presenters wife has at no point decided to "put themselves out there". Whatever the dirt it isn't your business. Keep your nose out of it if it's going to wreck their life. I would be pretty ashamed of myself if I needed to sell dirt on a random person to make money.
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