How can i sell my exclusive story

Does the story have dragons in it? I like dragons. If so, I'll give you tree fiddy for it, if not, I can give you this lighty used pack of Jaffa cakes for it, there's still over 50% left in the pack, still look like new to be fair.

It's the best I can do sir, take it or leave it, let me know by the end of the night though because I've got other stories I'm interested in, and these Jaffa cakes won't be around forever as the Mrs will be home in about an hour mate.
How would we still be posting if we were dead?

Ouija board. They're in the keyboards section.

Also, the word you want is probably conspirators....

Shall we play a game?

As long as it's not global thermonuclear war.

Good grief, that was 1983! Doesn't seem that long ago at my age. So I'd better explain the reference. It's a film called Wargames:

Just LOL if you're not making up stories about, uh, making up stories while also getting agitated about the FF7 remake and the 'need for a lockdown' but also TLoU P2 is 'boring' because you're both a bot but also stupid and not even interesting stupid just an outright moron.

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