How could I improve my system?

10 May 2004
East Yorkshire, UK

Feel that it is time for an upgrade, however my computer is pretty old now, but still feel it will do for a year until any more major changes come out (and plus ill have more money then). But what could i do to this system?

Intel Pentium 3.4Ghz (Northwood)
IC7 Max 3
Nvidia 6800 Ultra
1gb 4400 Ram
2 x 250gb HD
Audigy 2 ZS

Atm I am considering anotehr 1gb of ram and a new sound card but would like to here from you. Any ideas?

Assuming its for gaming, maybe a better GFX card? Doesnt have to be top of the line but I am sure any newer card would improve things... Maybe a cheap dual core CPU? Intel has a 90 quid dual core cpu [cant remember which it is] that overclocks very well... however it could become a tad expensive if your current mobo doesnt support it.

I would probably just go for a newer graphics card and make that last a year :)

Since you can't really upgrade your graphics card much due to the fact it is AGP and you are socket 478 which rules out a new CPU then I'd say Ram is most likely to be the only effective upgrade you can make and shouldn't be too expensive..

A soundcard won't really improve performance but can be transferred to a new PC at least :)

Just wondering if I did a complete upgrade, what would i need new and what could I keep out my current system?

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