How did you RMA your drive back to Maxtor?

27 Jan 2005
Expat in HK
I got my new drive, but Maxtor state they want me to send the screwed drive via a trackable courier such as DHL. Has anyone used Royal Mail instead, if not how did you do it with the courier you used? I've never used DHL, so i don't know what service i need and how much it will cost.
You can send by whoever you like, just insure it like in a special del, it will cost over more as they are in S.Ireland, I sent a maxline II 250gig back when newish so it cost £250 for drive then so I insured it for that and it cost £10+ but would have been hlaf that if N.Ireland.

Get on phone dont use web, talk to Maxtor staff, give them your name, e-mail addy and postal addy, you get a e-mail which is a sheet of paper you print out, cut it at the dotted line, stick 1 part inside box with HDD (warning they ask you to wrap in antistatic bag or ruin warrenty, I keep orignal incase of this) stick other part on outside of box, all info including your adress is on this, you dont need write anything on box.
Great, so i can use Royal Mail Special Delivery. I already have the email with the shipping label, so i stick that on the box and put another copy inside the box. Awesome, thanks for the confirmation.
Do they not still have the "Advance Rma" option?
Anyway I did the exact same thing, proper hard drive box with foam liners inside. printed out the bit of paper they wanted in the box etc

didnt take that long to sort out either :)
Yeah, i did the advanced thingy. Got it sent to me first, BOOYAH! Only annoyance is they don't pay for the cost of deliverying it back to them which NEC/Mitsubishi happily do in there Warranty.
I didnt know about that m8... NEC/Mitsubishi pay for the shipping :D why cant they all do that lol

Maxtor is the only make I have had to send direct for rma aswell
when my 160 DM9 broke they wouldnt accept it cos apparantly it was out of warranty according to the woman on the phone. so phoned up the place i got it from and they said its still got a month warranty left on it. they then sent it back to maxtor and i got a new one within a couple of days. lol so annoying...
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