How do i make a website?

I know that.

Most people coming here asking for someone to do them a website get shot down.

And I said,

Did you ask in HGP? Doubt it.

If you ask in here instead of somewhere else you'd get a better response.

Heck, I don't EVEN mind making a quick xHTML/CSS layout for someone who asks.
Bit of a misunderstanding I think SherberT*

I've never asked for a website to be made for me. I've just noticed that often people post asking for help making a website, and often, users reply telling them to pay a website company instead of getting someone to do one for free.

I remember a thread a while back (pruned now) where this guy asked for a website made for him and people said stuff like "When your mate or uncle or whatever makes a website he's ruining the website design industry" and "You should pay a proper website design company" etc.

I'm pleased that people are more helpful. A big thanks to tom and khan and all the regulars who help out on this forum. :)
I agree on the misunderstanding part :)

If you see anymore posts like this one then just RTM them to HGP :D

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