How do they get away with it??????

I agree with the OP...I am absolutely disgusted...

Say I ran a small computer shop and bought in top of the range graphics cards at £150 a piece wholesale and they didn't sell...well I'd have to leave them on the shelf (keeping other products that could sell off the shelf).

Or I can leave them in a stockroom and have my money tied up in a product that the public can't even see.

Ah well never mind, 18 months later I'll just flog em off for £25 each and buy some more of the newest stuff with all the negative cash I've made off them.

Come on OP...I see what you are saying that the public is getting ripped off, but what is a shop supposed to do? If they can't sell stock and make a profit on it then they go under and you don't have a shop to stand around being outraged in.

Moral of the story is research before you buy...if you are happy to just walk in and buy off the shelf you can't expect to get the best bang for your buck (and joe public really isn't interested in what's the latest or best - they just want something quick, easy and does a job).
Why because it's not allowing some greedy **** to make even more money?
Stop looking at socialism, capitalism, communism and whatever, just ask yourself whats fair and right.

What's right and fair is people buying goods at a price they're happy to pay from someone happy to sell at that price. That's it.

All this talk of greed and companies making money being a bad thing is socialism/communism.
I see what you're saying and agree completely, but I wasn't talking about little shops.

At least we all have OCUK.............all is well :)
Buying a graphics card in the high-street is a very very liminted specialist item to buy so they would have to have a good mark up on them to be worth stocking them and the prices dropping etc.

Does make me wonder when I see adverts for PCs saying "...and with the latest Intel processor..." What would happen if you bought it and then took it back saying "This PC only has a Q8200 in ? where's my i5/i7 ?
I feel really sorry for the little shops...I used to shop at one all the time, it was great for me but as I got more experienced and more advanced with what I wanted...high quality power supplies, certain types of RAM, more powerful processors etc. I found the little guys just couldn't supply it as it was too expensive for them...consequently here I am!

It does still work well for them though, many older people still cart their machines that have been wheezing along for over a decade wanting a small upgrade here or a tweak there and they get by...and I just stear clear of the big guys lol.

Specialists all the way thankyouverymuch :D

*edit* I did have to laugh the other day when I wanted something from a competitor...they had obviously had stuff lying on the shelf as they were giving away Philips wireless mouses with every order...and they had a ball inside them, haven't seen one of those in years lol...must have been sat on their shelves for the best part of a decade!
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With all the resources available today, the joke is on the person who actually pays that much, not the retailer for cashing in, if they can sell them for that, why should they not?
Why because it's not allowing some greedy **** to make even more money?
Stop looking at socialism, capitalism, communism and whatever, just ask yourself whats fair and right.

I see you obviously don't run a business.

They don't have to buy at that price. They're not being forced to purchase goods that you may deem overpriced, so what's the problem?

It's a business, and they need to make money. If they want to put the prices up high on their products, regardless of other stores selling them cheaper, then they can!
Now-a-days we all know somebody who knows "something" about computers, I get calls everyday from people who say "I've been told by this person..." or "This person has told me to buy this...what do you think?" They've gone out of their way to find out what they need, and how much they're looking to spend... other people don't do this and they rely on the fact that they know of a "big name store" which "probably sells what they need, at such a price". There's nothing wrong with it, if you ask me - you can't really be angry at that specific store for advertising something in that price range. Hell, they're within all their rights to do so...

If somebody buys it at an extortionate price then it's their loss that they didn't look around, haha.
So if you start fixing min and max prices for things, who decides on these prices?
Do these companies sit around a table and set a min and max price?
I do believe that they could be fined for such practice.

It's the same with everything in a capitalist society, they will charge what they can get away with.

Look at how early adopters pay extra (not just here) for there hardware fix.

Where I work it is 3p a litre cheaper for diesel then where I live, guess where I fill up!
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