24 Jun 2021 at 11:23 #41 watercooledman watercooledman Permabanned Joined 12 Jan 2021 Posts 1,726 arknor said: The correct way is to toast the bread, then cover in cheese, grill it and eat Click to expand... exactly this way, but with salted butter black pepper and brown sauce.
arknor said: The correct way is to toast the bread, then cover in cheese, grill it and eat Click to expand... exactly this way, but with salted butter black pepper and brown sauce.
24 Jun 2021 at 13:39 #42 Tony Edwards Tony Edwards Soldato Joined 4 Feb 2018 Posts 13,316 Saint1972 said: Applewood Smoky Vegan Cheese is the best i find. Click to expand... Thanks for that. Ive just bought some and I must say the picture on the front looks promising but Ive been down this road many times in the past.
Saint1972 said: Applewood Smoky Vegan Cheese is the best i find. Click to expand... Thanks for that. Ive just bought some and I must say the picture on the front looks promising but Ive been down this road many times in the past.
24 Jun 2021 at 23:52 #43 ~Divine~Wind~ ~Divine~Wind~ Can't type for toffee Don Joined 14 Jun 2004 Posts 17,512 Location Newcastle U/T shouldnt have read this again... Mozz, Strong welsh cheddar, romano Ill be having nightmares tonight haha
shouldnt have read this again... Mozz, Strong welsh cheddar, romano Ill be having nightmares tonight haha
25 Jun 2021 at 17:01 #44 Saint1972 Saint1972 Associate Joined 18 Sep 2010 Posts 549 Location NW Tony Edwards said: Thanks for that. Ive just bought some and I must say the picture on the front looks promising but Ive been down this road many times in the past. Click to expand... Not sure there'll ever be a Vegan cheese that will compete. It's one of the few things I miss, cheese on toast using a strong cheddar. @Raymond Lin That pic is epic
Tony Edwards said: Thanks for that. Ive just bought some and I must say the picture on the front looks promising but Ive been down this road many times in the past. Click to expand... Not sure there'll ever be a Vegan cheese that will compete. It's one of the few things I miss, cheese on toast using a strong cheddar. @Raymond Lin That pic is epic