Poll: How do you backup your backups? (Poll please!)

How do you backup your backups?

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22 Oct 2005
All my important docs on my laptop are replicated onto a NAS box under the stairs. That's got a 2 drives which replicate each other, so I can afford 2 drives to fail before I really start to panic. They're all in the same house though, so if there's a fire, or a crafty thief, then I'm screwed.

How are you avoiding potential disaster? (poll please mods if you'd be so kind)
  • Backup to the cloud
  • Backups stored in a fireproof safe in your home
  • Backup to a physical device stored somewhere else
  • None of the above (I'm a daredevil/lunatic)
  • All of the above (Safety first mmmkay)
Physical network drives at home that i do periodic backups to that are hidden out the way. I definitely don't trust the cloud.

in my house/area the risk of a house fire/burglary is basically 0.
I backup to my NAS in my house. Admittedly if my house burns down then I'm FUBAR. But... I like to live dangerously. For the Horde!
PC > Onedrive > Internal SSD Backup > 2 x External HDD Backups

I lost some baby photos years ago (suffered the original windows 8 bitlocker bug) so now go a bit ott
PC to NAS + cloud, NAS to cloud for my music because OneDrive is temperamental when trying to make it sync large folders using the Windows app. Google Drive didn't have that issue but it did like to regularly change file/folder attributes like dates at the source for absolutely no reason, which annoyed me considerably and destroyed the way some of my folders were sorted.
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What do people actually back up? I don’t think I have any electronic documents I really need to worry about losing.
A few pictures would be a shame I guess but beyond that I don’t back anything up.
Anything relatively important (mortgage docs for example) are in emails.
I tend to back up:
Emails - I've got most of mine (or at least non spam) since about 2000, handy for referencing stuff.
All sorts of notes/instructions etc.
Photos - these tend to be backed up the most, as I keep copies on the original SD cards, in the cloud and typically about 3 different drives (including an offline one).
NAS copies to Google Drive for an offsite backup, periodic copy to an external HDD for protection against cryptolocking which is stored in my safe.
For me I use onedrive as it's built in (amd I get a tb of space, although almost filled it). I use Google photos to backup stuff from mine and the mrs phones so hopefully that covers everything. My important docs are things like uni work and I've backed my music collection online as the thought if ripped hundreds of cds does not make me happy :p .
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