How Do You Clean Your Controllers?

4 Nov 2003
Belfast, Northern Ireland
As the title suggests. I am curious as to how those of you who do clean your controllers actually clean them. I ask because I never seem to be able to clean my PS2 Dual Shock Controllers correctly as there is always dead skin trapped in between the join where the two parts of the controller come together. I was thinking that perhaps compressed air may be a more effective option. :confused:


X-acto knife or stanley knife blade to get crap out of the joins, and baby wipes to actually clean it.

I smashed my 360 pad against something with black plastic on it, leaving a nasty black mark on the pad which couldnt be shifted with most cleaning stuff. A bit of elbow grease and a baby wipe made it look like new :D
Toothbrush and a small amount of mr sheen :cool:

If im in a real 'crazy' mood i'll take the whole controller apart, some of the above and a bit of contact cleaning as well. :p
I just run a flathead screwdriver through the cracks once in a while to get rid of the gunk. My mum used to be on dialysis and has lots of surgical wipe stuff left over. It cleans up good... but leaves that hospital smell behind :p
I just took the controllers (both of them) apart and washed them in a warm bowl of water (leaving out the electronics of course :p ) and brushed it with an old toothbrush and put them back together. They look almost new and fantastic. Thanks guys. ;)
MY 360 pad started to have a grinding effect on the right analogue stick which really annoyed me. I seemed to push through it but it then elevated to squeaking instead. Tried a small dab of WD40 but it wouldnt go away .. gave it a bit of a punch during Kameo and now its silky smooth.

I remember the days of the N64 analogue sticks grinding so much that small pieces of plastic dust would form in the little analogue cup type bit. I used to have to open them up and give them a bit of a greasing so they didnt grind so much.
Nismo said:
X-acto knife or stanley knife blade to get crap out of the joins, and baby wipes to actually clean it.

I smashed my 360 pad against something with black plastic on it, leaving a nasty black mark on the pad which couldnt be shifted with most cleaning stuff. A bit of elbow grease and a baby wipe made it look like new :D

You say you don't have a kid, then you mention baby wipes! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME LIKE THIS!
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