How do you cook Ham and Cheese on Toast????

15 Jan 2006
Dumb question probably but just recovered from some poisoning of some sort and now I am hungry. Is it ok to grill ham and how long do I have to cook it for.

My cooking abilities stretch to pot noodles and microchips.......thought I would push myself today and actually cook something
Errrrr.....ok I'll run with it..


Put ham on

Put cheese on

Grill till cheese at appropriate level of meltedness.
Cheese on ham on toast, grill until cheese starts to brown.

Separate pre-toasting of the bread (on one or both sides) is purely optional.

Grating the cheese leads to smoother meltiness.

*touches Rich_L*
Ham is a cooked meat.

Repeat, Ham is Cooked Meat™.


I. Have. Just. Looked. Up. The. Wikipedia. Entry. For. Ham.

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Open can of tomato soup and begin cooking according to package directions.

Get your fry pan or skillet out.

Butter one side of two slices of bread, then load with cheese and ham. Put together, butter side out.

Throw on skillet on med-high heat.

With a spatula, gently check sandwich every couple minutes until bread becomes a golden brown.

Flip and do the same with the other side.

Slice diagonally and serve alongside bowl of tomato soup for dipping. :)
johnnyb said:
what kind of meat?
Technically, ham is the thigh and buttock of any animal that is slaughtered for meat, but the term is usually restricted to a cut of pork, the haunch of a pig or boar. Although it can be cooked and served fresh, most ham is cured in some fashion.
Toastie machine

Ham and cheese with butter in between two pieces of bread

put that into the toastie machine when red light is on

then they are ready when the toastie is brown on the outside:)
TinkerBell said:
Toastie machine

Ham and cheese with butter in between two pieces of bread

put that into the toastie machine when red light is on

then they are ready when the toastie is brown on the outside:)

I cant find my toastie machine........this is quite odd because i use to work on a burger van and we had griddles, I should be a pro at this.
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