How do you disk a RAID 10 config?

24 Jan 2007
How do you checkdisk a RAID 10 config?


I built a system for a friend who for no known reason apart from having lots of money wanted a RAID 10 config. Now it looks like one of the disks might be dropping clusters, as the system is reporting lost data files and doing a scan disk on every reboot.

The motherboard (Asus P5W DH Deluxe WiFi) RAID utilities says that everything is fine, and the disk manufacturers utility (Samsung) won't run because it cannot cope with RAID. It says there are no disks in the system.

Any ideas of how to check the health of the disks from this point?

This is exactly the same problem as I had on my own system a couple of years back and since then I have avoided RAID! :mad:

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RAID10 will run temporarily with 3 disks so you could pull each drive in turn and either test it using a different SATA controller (or machine) or just run the machine normally and see if the errors disappear when a particular disk is removed.
If this is a motherboard RAID implementation, can you not simply disable RAID in the motherboard BIOS, which 'separates' the drives, test each one, then re-enable RAID in BIOS? This has the added benefit that the onboard RAID BIOS (independent of the motherboard BIOS) does not need to be set up again.
I was afraid that I would have to resort to this. I was hoping that there might be some utilities out there that are raid aware, or that you could load the raid driver into it.

I suppose as long as you don't run any write test there is little risk of screwing the system up completely.

Apparently the system scans the disks on every reboot now because it thinks that something is wrong with the d: partition but it never finds anything.

ARGH! :confused:

Thanks for the replies.
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