How do you feel about less-than-inflation annual payrises?

I've had many years of 0% pay rises, most recently when inflation was sky high and companies were advertising 5-7% inflation adjust merit increases.

In my experience, you only ever get an above inflation pay rise when you get promoted or kick up a fuss about pay and come with an external offer or provide some market data. As long as your bigger jumps are OK then i wouldn't worry about small annual changed. Getting 3% vs 2% vs 0% increase wont change your life much.

At the same time, inflation is not that noticable if you have a high salary. Groceries, utilities etc make up a small percentage of income.
I think it’s pretty standard for companies to hand out below inflation pay rises especially in the current economy. Particularly if you remain in the same job role.

What’s more of a concern is if you find yourself in a role where you can’t develop or progress up a career ladder to offset below inflation pay rises. Or worse still if you’re being asked to to take on more duties and responsibilities in your job for what’s effectively a pay cut.
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My pay was always linked to Feb RPI thanks to our unions so never got anything below inflation. That was until we got a nice 8.4% rise a few years ago when RPI was sky high, for the last year of that specific pay deal.

They tried to start linking it to CPIH instead and offered below inflation amounts, so we threatened to go on strike. Very soon a better off was made :D. Power to the unions!
I wish. Unfortunately as a salaried / locum GP the BMA or GPC don't support or represent our interests.
My wife is a salaried GP too and it's a mess. The mess of AHPs playing GP, the flooding of VTS with IMGs and now ARRS GP roles has just wrecked the place.
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