How do you hold your mouse (FPS)?

5 Jul 2005
I've just recieved a Logitech MX518 and I'm finding I'm having to change the way I hold it to use it properly (possible innuendo in that sentence :p :p ).

My last mouse I had for 5 years, which is a long time to have a mouse. I'm finding I'm having to use my arm and wrist more (another one :p ). My previouse mouse it was more finger action ( :p ). I'm wondering if the mouse could be a bit big for me. I've only had the mouse for a day so it could be just adjusting to it.

Is there a right and wrong way to use a mouse?
The last couple of years i've been using heavy logitech mice, so they have all been very similar, but i remember going from a cheap dell mouse to my first logitech, and it was very weird. Took me about 3 weeks to go fully used to it. I was used to the pick up and drag method with the dell ball mouse, and i was trying to do this with the laser mouse, and failed :p

Give it some time, your get used to it ;)
Trust me, i thought my Razer Diamondback was massive when i first got it, but now i can "low ride" it! If ya can, rest the underside of your wrist on the desk and then use move from there. You should also try and put your thumb on one side and your little finger on the other. Than use your other 3 fingers to control the buttons on top. I don't know if it has buttons on the side like mine does, it helps you learn to use both your little finger and your thumb to press the buttons on the side.
If you're playing FPSs you should be moving your whole arm, not just resting your wrist and moving around that. It's extremely bad for you to do that.

I've had a big'ol Logitech Dual Optical for many years and i personally have my thumb on the thumb button, little finger and ring finger down the right-side, and two fingers on the two buttons on top. I rest my wrist lightly on the mousemat, but when i play FPSs i'm moving my whole arm so my wrist just slides along with the mouse. To get better aim i drop my wrist wholly onto the mousemat and use my fingers to make slight adjustments. All in a split-second, doonchanoo. ;)
Scam said:
I've had a big'ol Logitech Dual Optical for many years and i personally have my thumb on the thumb button, little finger and ring finger down the right-side, and two fingers on the two buttons on top.

Same here, although I've changed mice quite a few times. I'm one of those who have relatively high sens though and don't really move my arm, bottom of my wrist stays planted on the desk (most of the time, with some small movements)as the fulcrum.

Speaking of grips which are bad for you, I reckon ours isn't that great. Ideally I think mice should be held between thumb and little finger, with 3 fingers on top rather than 2.
alexisonfire said:
The last couple of years i've been using heavy logitech mice, so they have all been very similar, but i remember going from a cheap dell mouse to my first logitech, and it was very weird. Took me about 3 weeks to go fully used to it. I was used to the pick up and drag method with the dell ball mouse, and i was trying to do this with the laser mouse, and failed :p

Give it some time, your get used to it ;)

lol i was the same kept picking up the mouse.
When I use the mouse I keep my arm stationary at all times, using my wrist to control horizontal movement and fingers to control vertical movement. It's just natural to me and has never caused any sort of R.S.I.

Edit: I forgot to mention that I'm using a Logitech MX-518. :)
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normal desktop/forums I hold it normally:

little finger and thumb to pick it up (I hover it above the desk a few mm's) laser so it can :) three fingers on top

in gaming i hold it very odd...

thumb on side, first finger in the groove behind the mouse wheel (touching both buttons), next finger on right button, other two to move it about.
In firefights ill switch to the normal way of holding it as above ^ but generally slide into the comfy (for me) gaming possition :P
My Razer Copperhead has totally changed how I hold a mouse - with my old Dell ball mouse I did the pick up and move thing, with the whole hand. Now:
Thumb in groove on left, positioned on rear left side button for quick sensitivity changing.
First finger on LMB, gently resting on Mouse wheel (once more for quick sensitivity changing).
Second finger on RMB, to the right of the centre of the button.
Fourth finger leaning over the edge (starting from Razer logo in centre, extending parallel to edge of RMB.
Fifth/Little finger off the edge, gently touching the side of my mouse, and when still resting on mouse mat.
I move the mouse with my palm, but for fine aiming rest the base of my palm on the mouse mat and aim, or just turn the sensitivity up.
Left hand - little finger on Shift, gently resting on Ctrl; thumb over Space; Fourth, Third and Second over A, W and D respectively.
All in all, primed for playing CS:S! :D
Ulfhedjinn said:
When I use the mouse I keep my arm stationary at all times, using my wrist to control horizontal movement and fingers to control vertical movement. It's just natural to me and has never caused any sort of R.S.I.

Edit: I forgot to mention that I'm using a Logitech MX-518. :)

Same here although I think ruling out RSI is a bit premature as we probably haven't been playing FPS with the mouse for more than around 10 years.
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