How do you keep your photo's organised ?

6 Dec 2002
I just wondered what utility or piece of software people here use to keep their digital photo's organised? I've got 1000's now and all are stored in seperate directories (based on year, month) but it's started to get a little out of control.
dayloon said:
I just wondered what utility or piece of software people here use to keep their digital photo's organised? I've got 1000's now and all are stored in seperate directories (based on year, month) but it's started to get a little out of control.

I use Adobe Bridge. It's about as good as I've found for organising photos and it intergrates nicely with Photoshop.
If it doesn't fit in a folder like "Airshows" It goes into a "Places" folder, with a more specific folder, then another folder with Location - Date.

Findind the one I want takes seconds thanks to Spotlight!
I organise my photos in seperate folders on ym hard drive. With "Date - Venu" format.

Then anything I especially like from that folder gets copied into my Portfolio Folder with subfolders of "genres" like "Portraiture" "Landscape" "Nature" "Macro" etc etc.

I like my system it works for me.
One folder containing subject and date folders for current stuff and another one for backed up photos :)

It's worked so far for 30,000+ images :)
" Portfolio folder main folder
"portraits, Landscapes, studio, Events

Events folder contains subfolders of what event I went to photograph

somebodys wedding *name, month, year"
Motorsport event "title, month, year"
Party "names, month, year"

Something like that
Okay, let me spice this up. How do people cope with RAWs? Do you store them seperately? Do you store a RAW copy and a JPEG copy of each pic? Do you keep all your RAW? Cmon people, cough up!
I separate the RAW files into a sub RAW folder within the subject folder and leave the small JPEGS as preview thumbs.
Similar to above. I have folders with the date in yyyy-mm-dd format and a description of each shoot eg. '2005-09-03 Breed 77 concert'.

The RAWs are all there and then sub-folders with the processed images, depending on the purpose, like 'TIFFS', 'JPEG large' or 'JPEG web'.

Whole drive gets backed up to external drive. (incremental)

PS: I equate deleting a RAW image to throwing away a negative.
I use Photoshop Elements.

I usually create a Category for the Event & Date for example "RIAT 2006" and then tag the individual shots with specific subjects like "B1B Lancer". I then also Rate all the images 5 star being the best and 1 star being worthless.

Then to search for your best images for an event click 5 star and the event and then your done, simple!
nomore said:

I use Aperture aswell - interested to see how you organise yours within aperture.

Another thing i am not sure of is the library, seeing as it out all pics into 1 package how do you backup to dvd when the library is over 4.5gb ?

Before Aperture like most i had a year folder, then folders for the day pics where shot. I also had a work in progress and final image folder (still have these)
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