How do you keep your photo's organised ?

I bought I dual-layer writer thinking 9GB would be enough for backup....
Then I addmited that it wasn't and bought another 300GB drive (external fire-wire) to backup onto.
nero120 said:
Nice! What other categories do you have if you don't mind? Do you just dump all your RAW images into one folder?

It's quite simple yet logical, the raw dump folder is sorted by date so each date has its own raw dump folder like so

My other catagories that don't fit into events and suchlike go under a general date sort order like so

And within every folder the icons are thumbnailed and sorted by date modified so it's easy to see new/old pics within them. Every image has exif too so I can relate a image to the raw file by date if I need to bring back the raw file to do some extra processing later on.

raw dumps have xml files with them so acr can save the settings with the raw files and then I just back them up onto dvd when the dump foldre gets a bit large like!

I used to save as tiff from raw conversions but now use 100% jpeg, can't tell the difference and my hdd is much happier :) (I think when I converted the major tiffs to 100 jpeg I saved around 24GB alone!)
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another Aperture snob here :D

-Unprocessed then categories for each processed photo. i don't keep RAWs as of recently, as they occupy a load of space when im not really going to do things with them
personally I've just bought aperture and it's well worth it already, if not for the library functions then for the wonderfully easy web gallerys.

rather happy with that purchase (and the macbook pro to run it on) :)
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