How do you kill that which has no life?

8 Dec 2004
Im at a loss for words...

WoW gamer has 36 personal accounts. Cost? $5711
Category: PC, Posted: 10/11/2008 at 01:44PM CDT by Frank Ling, Editorial Director
One World of Warcraft gamer doesn't like to depend on other players when he conducts raids in the game. He believes he can do it all by himself, and we mean that literally.

He has 36 WoW accounts. How much does this extravagance cost him per year? Try subscription fees, totaling $5711 per year, on for size.

He runs 11 PCs simultaneously to control all his characters. It may cost him $5711 in subscription fees, but this doesn't include the cost of his electric bills and Internet connection charges. The gamer goes by the screen name of Bradster, and in his own words explains why he does what he does.

"A lot have asked me, why create so many [characters]? The main reason is to invade Stormwind and Ironforge when they reach top level. I'm sure the Alliance will put up a big fight when that happens. We'll see how it goes."

Bradster doesn't think the high cost of playing WoW is an issue.

"It costs me exactly $5711 in subscription costs per year with 36 accounts on the 6 month pay schedule. Not bad considering I'm looking at it like it's a hobby and there are more expensive hobbies out there than World of Warcraft."

He explains that many of his characters have leveled up quite nicely.

"32 of my shaman are level 61. One shaman that I had before I started the 32 is at level 70 along with 8 other level 70 classes that I had. By the way, I have 9 level 80 shaman created on the Murmur PvP realm in the Wrath of the Lich King beta."


You have to be some sort of a tech geek to accomplish what Bradster has done in order to play so many accounts at the same time. And in fact, Bradster does sound a little geeky.

"For my keys to send to all instances of WoW on my 11 computers, I use Octopus 1.3.2. Maximizer in Octopus allows me to start up all WoW instances at the same time or any individual instance such as if a WoW instance has crashed. It also allows me to shutdown all of the computers at the same time."

All we can say about Bradster's fixation on World of Warcraft is, "wow."


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