HOW do you like your instant noodles?

Erm, no ... I don't have a favourite because, unlike the statement made by the OP, some us prefer proper food to that junk ...

We all know, inside you somewhere, there's a little part of you that always wants to put a pack of instant noodles in the trolly every time you walk past them in sainsburys. ;)
We all know, inside you somewhere, there's a little part of you that always wants to put a pack of instant noodles in the trolly every time you walk past them in sainsburys. ;)

I reckon his two other personalities loves a packet of noodles every now and then. :)
£10 says he regularly wakes up in his kitchen with curry powder + chili fakes and meats from 3 days ago all over himself and the kitchen.
We all know, inside you somewhere, there's a little part of you that always wants to put a pack of instant noodles in the trolly every time you walk past them in sainsburys. ;)

No, I use proper ingredients instead of sachets of artificial ****. I've had instant noodles before ... many years ago; it looked like ****, smelt like **** and tasted like **** .... hence I have no wish to have them again.

So why open and post in a thread about how you enjoy your instant noodles?

Because you know what, this is a discussion forum where people with different opinions can discuss things. I have every right to state that the way "I like" instant noodles is not at all.

£10 says he regularly wakes up in his kitchen with curry powder + chili fakes and meats from 3 days ago all over himself and the kitchen.

£10 please then because your talking garbage ... a bit like instant noodles.
Big bowl of Mild Curry Super Noodles with tomato sausages and mushrooms sliced in there.

Why is it that each and every time a thread on food is started there's always one or two moronic trolls, normally the usual suspects, who attempt to spoil it by trying to be all holier than thou by proclaiming "I'm better than that, I don't eat rubbish"? Whereas the reality is that they no doubt eat whatever their Mummys and Daddys cook for them.
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