How do you make the sata drive the OS HD?

7 Feb 2004
I have got one IDE 80gig HD as the OS

One 36gig raptor (Which I want to have as the OS)

How do I do this as when I try it keeps picking the IDE as the OS HD.

Is there a way of doing this?
rpstewart said:
1) Which drive is Windows installed on?

2) Which drive has the ntldr & boot.ini files on it (not necessarily the same as 1 )

3) What's the BIOS boot order set to?

The IDE has windows on it. Same for the files.

Changed the boot order correctly but still doesnt let me pick either of the sata drives.

Do I have to unplug the IDE completely?
Clarkey said:
what are you trying to do? I assume you want to install windows on the SATA drive, but it isn't showing up in the windows installer. If this is the case, you need to load your sata controller driver in the windows installer using F6, or by adding it to the windows cd using nlite or similar.

Yes that is what I am trying to do. I have the raptor drive and as I need to reinstall I thought I would use that as the OS, being the faster and smaller drive.

So when I press F6 do I need to have a disk ready or something?
Trippynet said:
Yes. Annoyingly, XP only allows drivers to be loaded from a floppy disk at this point so you'll either need a connected floppy drive, or you'll need to streamline the SATA drivers onto the XP CD before installing.

Ok. Floppy is not an option as I dont have one. Recently got rid of (typical!).

How do I streamline them onto the XP cd?

Does Vista recognise sata drivers without the need for inserting additional disks?
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