How do you manage your photos?

SDK^ said:
Lightroom is pretty good for this, it takes a little longer to load than something like ACDsee but browsing through RAW files in Lightroom is much quicker than ACDsee.

Adjustments can be made to JPEGS in Lightroom, not sure about TIFF's though because I don't use them :)

I hated ACDsee when I used it. Thought it was useless and clunky. Then again, I tried the beta of lightroom and didn't like it, might give it another go.

The only reason I use tiffs is because RSE's RAW->JPEG with EXIF conversion is broken. I have to export as tiff with exif, and then convert in PS.
Fstop11 said:
I pretend that I manage mine when really they just run a mock! :(

Its a never ending process that your never fully satisfied with.

I use that method, seems to work fine ;)

what i really do i this:
Basically import with Picture project.
Rate them with NX's browser.
Edit in NX, since you can edit a file and save that edit inside the original NEF.
TIF outputs for photoshop and printing go into an output folder.
Need a new Hard drive at some point then i'll properly organise em.
divine_madness said:
Manually manage all my stuff...
Year > Month > Day

RAW files in the main folder, sub folder containing converted pictures :)

Ditto, but I'm getting really bored of it. I'm going to download the demos of Aperture and Lightroom and try them out
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