How do you pronounce...


A more frequent pronounciation consideration in IT is the word cache.
Some say Kaysh, and some say Cash!!?? That's a whole new thread though :)
ElvisFan said:
If you want to say it a la francais it's "lon-jeh-rhee"

Unfortunately there's no letter in english for the phoenetic spelling of the french pronounciation ;) (no r)
I look into the 'ee-th-errrr' but if I have a choice I choose 'ee-ver'. ;)

But I do sort of see what you mean with the th, it should be a mixture of th and v.

Oh and ar-kive.

That said, I have a speech impediment and can't pronounce 'th'

So yes, I say 'Ve ball.' :(

Even worse is when it;s a soft th...Thistle becomes Fissel.


And i say Eye-ver when its "i didnt do it either" and "ee-ver" when i say "its between Ee-ver this or that" depends on how fluent it will sounds or something like that.

And i say cache as like im french :D CASH just sounds damn wrong :(
A man walks into a newsagent.
"Can I have a copy of Vog-you please?"
"It's pronounced Vogue."
"Alright alright, lets not arg about it!"

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