How does one go about removing Grub from a redhat8/winxpdual boot?

25 Oct 2002
I've been playing with Redhat8 on my laptop thathas winXP pro (with NTFS) and RedHat 8.0 using Grub as a boot loader. I now wish to remove redhat from my laptop to try other distros an such like.

How do i get rid of it from the MBR. In the old days fdisk /mbr would have done but this is XP.... PQMagic maybe? or can i do it from linux then when i reboot it will go straight to xp?
if you start XP in console mode (/recovery mode on the CD), then there is a fixmbr program if I recall correctly :)
Compaq helpfully gave me a XP pro recovery.. SO after some wnadering round uni halls I've found a real XP pro cd and booted from it and got the the recovery/repair bit at which point it asks me for the administrator password. Now my pasword was blank so I tried just hitting enter and it says incorrect! So booting into xp i set the password to foobar and booted from the cd. The console still says the password is wrong....

OK, the administrator's password cannot be blank.

Here's the workaround, Right Click on my computer (probably in the start menu), and do Manage - System Tools - Local Users And Groups - Users - RIght click on Administrator, and do Set Password.

Use that password to log in to the recovery console.
Tried that.
Set the password to "none" without the "" and rebooted still the recovery console is saying:

The password is not valid. Please retype the password.

I am well confused
Found a soloution. The compaq recovery cd had a copy of fdisk on it that recognised ntfs so i did an fdisk /mbr and it worked.

Shak i wanted to remove it so i could just have mny laptop as XP only for a while. Doing some uni course work in visuo... My dekstop runs redhat full time o i only feel half evil
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