How does the Madcat vga cable compare to the joytech one?

30 Dec 2003
Cheshire, UK
How does the Madcat vga cable for the 360, compare to the joytech one? Are either any good?
Another nod for the joytech cable works really well with my 21" CRT monitor.

Though both cables come with optical out only the joytech comes with the optical cable but the Madcatz has a 15ft lead.
sounds good, i ask because i managed to buy one of the last Joytech ones a couple of weeks back, but it developed a fault in a few days, so ive sent for a replacement from joytech(still waiting), in the meantime i managed to get hold of a Madcat one for 20 quid on EBay but that wont arrive until monday, i was worried that it might be rubbish as no one else bid on it(people seem to only bid on the joytech leads).

If its fine ill sell one of them once i get my replacement cable from joytech, hopefully for a profit :)
bought my mad catz one off egay and have to say its great. tbh i dont think there would be much difference if any between the mad catz and joytech one. i guess it just depends on if you want an optical cable or a 15ft vga cable lol
I have the madcatz one I ordered the joytech one but they sent the madcatz one grrr.

I really don't want 15ft of cable. But *** the heck at least its bet than using none high def on my 20in tft. That looks awful.
Just got my Madcatz one, and its flippin faulty, only this time the image has a shadow or ghost affect going on, like a feint copy of the image duplicated on the screen....sob!... :(

So thats 2 faulty cables and 1 faulty XBox, so far......grr
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NokkonWud said:
Joytech is good, though it does seem somewhat flat colour wise (on 3 different monitors) especially compared to Component.

My God i am actually going to agree with you on something :p

Yeah i have the joytech one too, it seems almost as if it screws up the brightness/contrast on the screen, most things seem a bit too bright. Unfortunaly i havent been able to compair it to a component, so i just put it down to the 360 :p

But still a great cable
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