How far is to far for a relationship ?

28 Mar 2004
N Ireland

I like this girl but shes about 60 miles away. I drive and said i would visit every weekend or when im off. Is 60 miles to far apart (an hour drive) ?

I think not but she is a little unsure so just wanting the general opinion on distance relationships.

It depends on the relationship.

Some will fail when you're 10 miles apart, others will manage find when you're thousands of miles away for extended periods.

For what it's worth, 60 miles isn't a particularly big deal. It'll be annoying you can;t see each other at the drop of a hat, but as long as you're willing to travel weekly etc it should be fine.
My other half lives and hour and a halfs journey with two trains to get there, he is worth it. Is she? If the answer is yes go for it, you'll never know if you don't try.
No distance is to far if it's the right relationship and your both the right type of people able to have a long distance relationship.

From my personal experiance it's harder than having a close relationship and I was lucky by having knowladge that we had a set time to work towards when we would be closer, (I was to finish uni in 9months time) which definatly helped.

Sadly after I did finish we never managed to bond with the extra time we saw one another, looking back the long distance ment that the time we did spend together was always a little more special.
Not at all mate! Im at leicester uni and my gals at chester, thats hours,3 trains and £27! And we see each other every 7-10 days. It is a pain in the bum but the journeys always worth it!
Erm, if you actually like her, then no distance is too far. My gf lives 600 miles away. We've been together for 3 and a half years.

If you don't really like her that much, then dump her and use the distance as an excuse.
My bf lives an hours drive away, used to be an hour and a half before he moved and we're still together (9 months nearly.)
My brother's now-wife used to live in America.
No distance is too far really, depends on the person.
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Come the end of July I will be in Orpington, Kent and my girlfriend still here in Leicester (work placement year of Uni). Not looking forward to it but im sure it will work out. Like people have said, depends on how strong a relationship is etc.
_dogma_ said:
My bf lives an hours drive away, used to be an hour and a half before he moved and we're still together.
My brother's now-wife used to live in America.
No distance is too far really, depends on the person.
Where about in South Lanarkshire do you stay? Otfen wondered. Oli's stay in Carluke.
It really does depend on the relationship, and if you are willing to split the travelling. I wouldn't do it if I had to drive that far several times a week and got nothing in return. In my current relationship, I wouldn't do it, because my other half doesn't drive, so I'd be doing all the work.
It's only ever worth it if you will be in the same place in the forseeable future.
60 miles is nothing really. My brother has been with his GF and driving from Birmingham to Manchester every weekend for about 3/4 years now. Been with the GF for about 6/7 years. :)
Mine lives 88 miles away, but we've been together for 4 months with no major problems, other than both of us complaining the whole time how we only get to see each otehr at weekends. We're gonna make it work because we're both going to uni together in September.
Blackstar said:
Where about in South Lanarkshire do you stay? Otfen wondered. Oli's stay in Carluke.

In a place called Coalburn, not very well known, it's near Hamilton if you know where that is?
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