How far?

28 Jul 2004
Solihull, Birmingham
I've now got my Noctua NH-12UF CPU Cooler and fan, and I have to admit....its brilliant, so quiet its amazing. Never had my PC so quiet. :D

But now I am wondering at just how far I can push my E6600 and Geil DDR2 PC6400 Memory. I've currently got it running and stock.

Would I be able to use the inbuilt Asus overclock tool in the BIOS to overclock?
Hi Willbo,

With that cooler you should be able to clock your C2D very well! At least up to 3ghz and possibly beyond i would have thought!!! :)

Unfortunately i'm an AMD user and as such can offer no overclocking know how to you on your intel mate! :(

But i'm sure someone will drop round soon to offer you some advice! ;)

Also, i'd be careful with the auto overclock functions as i've heard it can be slightly aggressive on the overclocking of memory!
So just hold up until someone lets you know what to do! Don't want you frying anything!!!

thats what i would have thought too after some of the things i've read.
i'm just not sure how to go about doing it
Im not sure what the cooler its self is like but im sure its better than my ACF7 pro - and i can do 3100Mhz+ with it. The Geil ram clocks ok aswell although im not sure you need to clock it as you have an E6600.

Get cracking - it will be ok :D
How do I go about overclocking the CPU then? I know the BIOS has an ASUS *** setting or something where I can overclock by percentages.....
As for thats I'm not sure of anything else as I've never done it before. Does anyone else have the same mobo who could help????
Dont overclock by percentages.

Set the ram divider to 2 / unlinked

up the cpu volts a tad as you will need it later

up the mem volts abit

up the mch volts by 1

then up the FSB untill it becomes unstabled - then drop it my 5 etc.
Dont use the automatic overclocking options in the BIOS you will be much better off adjusting them manually.
Seeing as you have the Geil memory it will be worth checking that the timings for it are correct. When set to auto the timings will be 5-5-5-12 instead of the specced timings of 4-4-4-12.
There are loads of guides about overclocking on these forums so you might find one specific to your motherboard. Personally i would set the vcore to 1.325 and increase the FSB in steps (assuming you can overclock the cpu independently of the ram i.e unlinked). I would check temps as you go using coretemp whilst running orthos for stability testing. You will probably get to 3ghz without needing to up your vcore however if you get instability issues up vcore (temps permitting, ideally less than 60 under load) and recheck stability.
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