How fast can you type? 24 hour leaderboard now underway!

First try:

Words per minute (WPM) 72
Keystrokes 374 (358 | 16)
Correct words 65
Wrong words 3

Makes you realise how unforgiving Cherry MX Reds are when it comes to even slight inaccuracy.
Top 2 people seem not have the badges for over 100WPM even though they managed it. Also not posted in the thread. Fakes? :O

Either way 135 WPM is impressive, cant seem to beat my own score on the macbook. Will give it a go on a real keyboard in a bit :P
96 WPM

479 Keystrokes

89 Correct Words

0 Wrong

I have a habit of correcting the words in these things if I make a mistake. End up wasting a lot of time.. Going to have one more go.

Edit: Can't beat it, I can't remove my habit.
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Top 2 people seem not have the badges for over 100WPM even though they managed it. Also not posted in the thread. Fakes? :O

I think you only get the badges for doing them in a non-competition test. Certainly possible speeds plus one of them has been doing a lot of them. :p
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