How good are your eyes?

so i was the worst so far? 13 without my glasses and my monitor in its lowest gamma setting, but still awww :(

can still read me keyboard err with me glasses on lol
26 and I'm colour blind.

This is the thing.

I did this, 30 no errors (I then timed out on the black one)

(Mind, I was also ****ed as a rat when I did it and wasn't wearing my old man glasses (I have had cataract surgery recently, the consequence is that anything less than six feet away is somewhat compromised!))

I am r/g colour blind

How/why did I do so well? :confused:

(I am not wearing mty iold man glsasswes now either so please excuse any subtle spelling/grammer errors. i really cannot asee what I am doing! :D
This is the thing.

I did this, 30 no errors (I then timed out on the black one)

(Mind, I was also ****ed as a rat when I did it and wasn't wearing my old man glasses (I have had cataract surgery recently, the consequence is that anything less than six feet away is somewhat compromised!))

I am r/g colour blind

How/why did I do so well? :confused:

(I am not wearing mty iold man glsasswes now either so please excuse any subtle spelling/grammer errors. i really cannot asee what I am doing! :D

my theory is that even though i'm colour blind when I get a problem colour I tend to rely on contrast, e.g. if ones darker and lighter so I can pick that out but if you asked me say which one was red and which was brown i'd be guessing :)
my theory is that even though i'm colour blind when I get a problem colour I tend to rely on contrast, e.g. if ones darker and lighter so I can pick that out but if you asked me say which one was red and which was brown i'd be guessing :)

Bear in mind that colour blindness is not a "Disability" It is a "different ability"

It may well be the case that colour blind people are better at distinguishing subtle shades.

Although I do not believe it is "Proven" there is anecdotal evidence (including my own experience) that R/G blindness correlates with exceptional low light level vision (Compared to my non-colour blind friends I can see in the dark like a Cat)

I also recall reading some years ago that during WW2 it was considered an advantage to have at least one colour blind person on bomber crews since it was felt that they were better at spotting camouflaged targets
I got 17. Only took it once.

I only made one error so I am guessing the low score is down to the time it took to spot them.
The score is how many different ones you did, you could take the max time on every one and have the same score as someone who took one second for each if you both spotted 20.
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