26 and I'm colour blind.
This is the thing.
I did this, 30 no errors (I then timed out on the black one)
(Mind, I was also ****ed as a rat when I did it and wasn't wearing my old man glasses (I have had cataract surgery recently, the consequence is that anything less than six feet away is somewhat compromised!))
I am r/g colour blind
How/why did I do so well?
(I am not wearing mty iold man glsasswes now either so please excuse any subtle spelling/grammer errors. i really cannot asee what I am doing!![]()
my theory is that even though i'm colour blind when I get a problem colour I tend to rely on contrast, e.g. if ones darker and lighter so I can pick that out but if you asked me say which one was red and which was brown i'd be guessing![]()