How high can you build?

Gahhh I build a perfect pyramid, the laws of physics demand that it distribute it's weight evenly but still it buckles under its own weight! :mad:
Is there a button to re-start it, or do you have to close and re-open it every time?

Arrrrghh.....its irritating....why do the balls insist on climbing the most unstable bits of the tower?
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ok... can someone explain to me why, when I drag a ball from the "floor" it drags a couple of black gooey lines from other balls, but when I let it go, it just bounces a bit and falls down?! Nothing stays erect... as it were :P
Well I managed to shoot my goo up to 27, I give up every concieveable engineering trick known to man, arches, triangles, tension supports is ruined by this. :(
Ive done everything to:( i wonder who on on this forum will be first to reach 100m
If you make the base wider the stupid thing falls aswell:(
haha great game


impressive! (not mine)
William said:
An effiel tower shape worked best for me.

Same as me until for an unknown reason it desided to turn to goo and it couldnt be saved. I had it all neet and tidy and it still fell :mad:
Is it just me experiencing this problem?:

I cant see the bottom part of the game (maybe my screen is to small)
also I cannot resize the window (this makes the game impossible to play)
ANNOYING!! :mad:
I'd also like ot know if there is a way to reset it, as because I have to exit it and restart every time to start over, I also have to set the affinity of the thread to only one core or it goes **** up, which is rather annoying
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