How hot should the HD get?

25 Sep 2003
My hard drives feel rather hot but im unsure whether this is normal?
You cant keep you finger on the side of them for long, there that hot.

Generally, anything up to 55 Celsius, however the Seagate 7200.10 up to 60 Celsius.

In saying above, those are the maximum temperatures, you really want to keep them as cool as possible, try to aim at below 40 Celsius I would think. :)
thanks for the input, mine are quite hot and the pc quite slow in places, wouldnt be suprised if its down to hot HD's. I have them on top of each other, i think i need to space them out.
Socaddict said:
you tried running speedfan to see if it gives you the temperatures of the hard disks?

Its reading:

system: 45C
CPU: 42
HD1: 40
Core: 39

I have 2 hard disks so dunno whats what in that list :confused:

Pc just been turned on after 30 mins cooling down
40 is fine a prog called it, the home edition is free and your learn loads about you pc lol. out or curiosity what make is your motherboard?
david.n.c said:
40 is fine a prog called it, the home edition is free and your learn loads about you pc lol. out or curiosity what make is your motherboard?

Its the Asrock 939Dual from here.
You can also get temperatures readings of the system utilities programmes of your hdd manufactures website. I know Seagate and WD have it, not sure about Maxtor... If you've got SMART activated it should warn you if does reach a certain level.
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