How is no mans sky these days?

9 Jan 2016
i have a copy of it I downloaded awhile back for testing purposes and was pretty okay for my then spec computer, playable enough to get to the next planet at which point I had no time and wanted to play other games, but I feel like playing it again and a proper copy of it be it on my pc if it doesn't sell soon or a none gaming laptop of some sort(maybe an APU) or actually a mild core gaming laptop whatever I find depending on what I can get for pc however I am curious as to how this game is lately as when it was released it had issues and was like a bad port or something if I remember correctly?

While It be better on PS4 and I'm wanting one I'm not selling my computer for one lol not without a laptop in the budget anyways, but I actually enjoyed this game as I had no expectations for something I knew nothing of.
I have been reading recently that it has massively improved. I think they have added base buidling, land buggies etc and are still adding more. Think there is some new game modes too (Survival being one of them).

Been tempted myself to try it again but think I may wait for a couple more content patches and see what they come up with.
Supposedly it is now how it should have been at launch, only a mere seven months after that launch, but if I'm ever to consider buying it, it'll be when it's under a fiver. Not only because the developer clearly messed us around, but mostly because I have so many other games to play first. The concept of No Man's Sky interests me, although I'm just not sure that visiting planet after planet and then doing the same thing over and over again, with just a different setting, is going to have any longevity. I honestly cannot believe that 7 months on, it's still £39.99 after the poor launch and subsequent press it received.
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