How long does it take to receive a card from the bank?

8 Feb 2006
...specifically Barclays and a Debit Connect Card.

So, does anyone know how long it takes for a bank to send you the card/activate the account after you visit the branch and have it set-up, obviously it varies from bank to bank and the type of account that one is applying for, but I should be going for the Debit Connect at Barclays.

Thanks very much.

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I've just opened an account with HSBC; I took my passport and water bill in on Tuesday, received my debit card Friday and cheque book and card pin number Sat (today). They told me 7 to 10 days though so go figure.
Hope that helps.
It will depend entirely on the bank, probably also which department has ordered the card and how it is being sent.
Why don't you call Barclays and ask?
Vixen said:
Why don't you call Barclays and ask?

You're expecting him to call someone :eek:

They might.. you know.. like.. actually be in a position to answer the question. :eek:

We couldn't have that happen now could we.
Vixen said:
It will depend entirely on the bank, probably also which department has ordered the card and how it is being sent.
Why don't you call Barclays and ask?

I figured I would just ask here instead, someone is bound to know.

Either way I'm going to have to get it sorted in the next few days, so it doesn't really matter how long it takes I just thought I would ask here first. :)
Sorry to reply after my own post, but I have another question.

Can anyone recommend some sort of account that will give me an overdraft of about £200?

I start a new job on monday so I'm not really going to be able to prove my income in the next few days am I? (I just need a little bit of cash to tide me over until I get paid at the end of of next month)

Barclays website says this -

Your income and employment details, including full business address
Details of your other financial arrangements such as your mortgage or store card account.

Is there any card that anyone can recommend at any bank that will allow me to have an overdraft of the amount that I specified without having to prove my income? ...also I won't really have any money to put in there initially. :(

Thanks very much.
two to four weeks,
two to seven working days.
soon (tm)

it depends on your bank, when I setup my business account it took them three or four days.
Alchemy said:
Sorry to reply after my own post, but I have another question.

Can anyone recommend some sort of account that will give me an overdraft of about £200?

I start a new job on monday so I'm not really going to be able to prove my income in the next few days am I? (I just need a little bit of cash to tide me over until I get paid at the end of of next month)

Barclays website says this -

Is there any card that anyone can recommend at any bank that will allow me to have an overdraft of the amount that I specified without having to prove my income? ...also I won't really have any money to put in there initially. :(

Thanks very much.

Not a chance.
I thought mine took a long time to come so after 3 weeks I rang the back and they told me it had been delivered to my branch and I had to go collect it. I still don't know why they didn't send it to my house.
R34P3R said:
I thought mine took a long time to come so after 3 weeks I rang the back and they told me it had been delivered to my branch and I had to go collect it. I still don't know why they didn't send it to my house.

I know that Natwest/RBS frequently, if not always, send the first card on an account to the branch and then the branch is supposed to forward it on. There can also be markers on your account if there have been problems with cards being sent to your postal area which will cause any cards to be sent to the branch or via a courier. Then there are the times when the person you speak to accidentally orders the wrong way, or forgets to do an auto order so sends it to the branch ;).
It was Natwest aswell :p but I do have other accounts with them and sent the cards for them to my house. I don't think the branch planned to send it on though, apparantly they had had it for 2 weeks.
R34P3R said:
It was Natwest aswell :p but I do have other accounts with them and sent the cards for them to my house. I don't think the branch planned to send it on though, apparantly they had had it for 2 weeks.

Either they were slacking or there wasn't a distribution note on the account so they assumed you'd know. Natwest branches are terrible, I would never ask them to do anything card-related because they mess it up so much. I deal with so many problems at work that are entirely caused by the branch staff.
Why does it take 7-10 working days to get a card sent out? I presume as soon as you order it, it's printed automatically and then dispatched. 2nd class mail is only 3 days, so what are they doing in the meantime?
growse said:
Why does it take 7-10 working days to get a card sent out? I presume as soon as you order it, it's printed automatically and then dispatched. 2nd class mail is only 3 days, so what are they doing in the meantime?

Yes, that happens. Your card is the only one that has to be ordered on the banks systems and information sent to a company who has to make them and then send them out. There aren't hundreds of thousands of other cards that have to be created in the same place at the same time.
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