Anything over an hour will cause an issue eventually - if you really enjoy the role or believe there is an opportunity to progress then its manageable.
Also depends if you have family or not?
I also don't understand the concept of a commute being "wasted hours out of your life". Maybe back in the 70s you were stuck with reading the paper, reading a book - but now? Movies, podcasts, unlimited books on a kindle, episodes, play games - take a laptop, learn a language (if you can get a seat).
I think my only proviso to the above, having written it down, is that you'd need to be able to more-or-less guarantee that you'd get a seat - over an hour commute, standing up all the way? No thanks.
It's free time but it's time away from family and it's no where near as restful as a meal at home and feet up.
Have you got kids op?
That must be one expensive season ticket if a £17k pay rise equates to only an extra £2.k take home a year.