How long is your work commute?

18 Aug 2006
ChCh, NZ
Or how long would you be willing to commute to work?

Mine is currently about 10min but thinking about buying a place out in the country which would push it to around 50min.

Curious to hear from others and their thoughts on maximum miles/hours you're willing to do.
I travel about 430miles each way but I fly so its not so bad and I only do it once a week
Currently a 7 minute commute and I love it. I travelled into central London for about 10 years, which wasn't particularly nice. It was a 50 minute commute if all went well, but it wasn't the length of time, it was the 'jammed onto a tube train' that I wanted to avoid. I got a motorbike in the end and that was nicer... unless it was raining or snowing of course.

Given your free time = 24hrs - (work + commute + eating + chores + sleep) then I quite like I have about an hour and a half added to what was probably only about 5 hours a day before. Seems quite a big difference.

At the same time, for a while I worked a 40 minute drive away, but it was a nice easy, peaceful drive and was quite a nice lead in and cool down from the work day.
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20 mins on a bus/coach and a 5 min walk each end.

Beats the crap I went through in London.
15 drive or 25 min cycle. I couldnt handle more than 30 minute commute unless it was on a train where I feel I'd get a chance to catch up on stuff or read a book.
About a five minute drive at the moment, which is great and is certainly a factor in me enjoying my current job. I’d probably be happy going to an hour but really, it’s more about the fuel cost. It’s just so much nicer not having to burn £100+ a week into the air just to get to work and back. I’ve been there before.
This is a topic I have real issue conveying to recruiters. I'm not bothered how FAR a job is, it’s how long it takes to get there and back which makes the difference, and to that end flexibility in start/finish times make a huge difference. At the moment it takes me around 22 minutes door to door, but I choose to do 7am to 3pm which avoids most of the traffic in both directions (I do sometimes catch school traffic on the way home). This is around 16 miles each way.

Somewhere around 35-40 minutes would be about my maximum for a daily commute, though I’m currently looking at a job working from home 4 days a week, so I’d make an exception for a single day’s commute as this will be around 75 minutes typically.
5 minute walk but is likely to be increasing to half an hour soon. I keep on debating changing employers which would make it about 90 minutes each way.
38 miles each way. Kent to London via commuter coach. Takes a couple of hours each way.

Soon to change though as I’m moving to the highlands!
unemployed due to redundancy ,it was 22 miles 30 mins and that was fine (4 day week rotating to 3 day week) dont really want to go too much beyond that time with my next job
Currently 97miles and 2hrs ish but normally around 30mins I'm a mobile engineer so my van is my office, training in Newton Abbot at the moment and the commute is killing me after a day in the classroom :(
Used to be an hour and a half each way, trains were getting stupidly expensive, to a point it was unaffordable and I now work from home.
40-50 mins.

Don't mind it as the drive is a bit of quiet time to calm my brain a bit :)
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