How long should he be made to pay?

4 Oct 2004
In my happy place
So, a hypothetical question for the All-Knowing OcUK masses. You are in conversation with your SO/OH/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/bit of fluff/whatever, and they call you by another womans/mans name. In a very inappropriate context.

How long would you make them suffer? Or is it carte blanche and should be filed ready to be bought up at a moment notice for forever more?

Von Smallhausen said:
Is this a hypothetical situation Pebbles, or has this happened in the last 20 minutes ? Perhaps ?

It would be indescreet of me to say. But put it this way, if he didnt live a couple of hundred miles away he'd be singing soprano right now.
Freefaller said:
Use ooh I don't know... Handcuffs + streetlight + no clothes?? I'm sure he's used to the cold so it wouldn't be too cruel ;)


Hmmm, maybe after he's had a few beers in an unfamiliar capital city, when there are plenty of witnesses to see it. Sounds like a plan!
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