How long to backup 250GB using a USB2.0 Hard-Disk

11 Sep 2003

I just installed an external USB2.0 hard disk for a friend to backup his *My Documents* folder, he's got just shy of 250GB of personal data.

I'm using Norton Ghost 9.0 and set-it up to verify the backup after its finished, but it seems to take a *very* long time.


10 Hours & 42 Mins!!!!!!!!!!!!

As far as I can see the system is USB2.0 and is running WindowsXP SP2. I'm not sure how much of that time is the *verify* part (maybe that takes 5 hours?) but if anyone can quote me some transfer speeds that would be much appreciated, ta! :)
Hi smids,

thanks for reply. Hmm I'm not sure what type of process it is doing but the resulting file has a .v2i extension.

I'm wondering if maybe it's working at USB1.0 speed?, it appears to be set-up fine in device manager, although it's a VIA KT400 chipset.

Also is there any difference between the cable used for USB1.0 and USB2.0? because I used an old cable that was laying around instead of the one included with the drive?
smids said:
basically it all depends on the processor how fast it compresses the data
Hi again,

yes that would make more sense, it's an XP2400+ (T-Bred I think) so maybe its just taking its time.

Still I never did a 250Gb backup before, maybe thats 5 hours + another 5 hours (or so) to *verify* the backup. Not to much of a problem because it only does the one big *base* backup once a week and thats been set for sunday night so that its all done and ready to go for business start 9am monday.

thanks again! :)
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