46,905,051 AA batteries (per hour).
Assume 12,000 kg/hr fuel burn for A380 (
Source). Probably doesn't include take-off and definitely not battery weight.
Assume 44.65 MJ/kg energy density in BP Avgas 80 (
Assume 14,850 J of energy in AA battery (
Assume 30% loss of energy (from above post).
This is very quickly done, could be some errors.
Extra credit - this exceeds the maximum payload of an A380 by approx 8 times if batteries are 27g each, so would not be feasible.
I'm assuming the same engergy is required, but it may be that efficiency of the battery approach is actually better than my assumed 100% efficiency of the Avgas, which would offset this somewhat. Still a crazy idea unless you can get more energy-dense batteries and lighter weight construction (possibly feasible today in smaller planes). Not to mention that I don't know how you power a jet with electricity.