How many books do you have?

Hundreds, I haven’t counted. But almost entirely 99% history books. Been buying them for about 30 years and I’ve built up quite a collection now.

Might count them after seeing this thread haha.
My partner has a bit of an obsession going on with them. She has hundreds of books, many sit unread. She has a huge bookshelf which is stacked double thick of books and piles in front too. 100s I'd say. Maybe a 1000s or more.
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Now 150 ish at a guess, I had a massive clear our when I moved house a few years back. Most new books I get on the Kindle these days , I reserve physical book buying to my favourite authors and some books which you just can’t get as ebooks.
Outside of a literal handful of books which hold sentimental value, almost every other book I own is now done via a Kindle, where I must have 500+. I had over 300 real paperback books way back before Kindles were around but started to have big issues with storage in some of the tiny "broom cupboards" the military called accommodation and eventually sold them all to a 2nd book deal in a market for about 50p each IIRC (most retailed new at £5). I still miss holding a "real" book vs the Kindle, which just doesn't have even close to the same aesthetic look/feel but thats just the world we live in nowadays I suppose, convenience over feel/look.
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Well over a thousand books in this house. I struggle to get rid of books for any reason whatsoever, even though most of the reading I do these days is by Kindle.
About 15 now, the only ones I kept were

The entire Iain m Banks culture series
Some old uni maths books I use from time to time.
Magician (first 3)

About 4 full IKEA bookshelf were given away to charity. It was hard but It feels good now. Long hail the kindle.
I have well over 400 books in various bookcases around the house. And well over 200 books on my kindle.

My parents have literally thousands of books.

It's weird I don't like getting rid of them. I don't re-read books that often... but I don't know, there's something nice about having a collection of literature and non-novels as well
i have about 500 - i also like to keep them, even though the chances of rereading them is slim (but it might happen!).

i do like the look of books in a bookcase though - much better than an empty room.
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