How many LED lights per room?!

In my setup I've never found that they are needed, you get some much light spilling from the beams that it reaches without issue. It certainly works in your bedroom 2 sized room for me, but your Bedroom 1 is wider than any of mine so your mileage may vary.

Of course this all goes to pot if you use narrow beam LED's where you will almost certainly have issues and if you are doign this and drilling the holes from scratch I think Amp34's points are definately worth considering.

The beginning of my other post was pretty to the in cheek, I hope it came across like that. If not I apologize for being so... blunt?:)

It's also worth noting though that it's not necessarily about lighting up a entire room evenly. A good lighting plan adds atmosphere. I'm not a fan of dark rooms with "spots" of light, but it is certainly worth looking at plans for "intimate" rooms (such as narrow lights over bed side tables, or sofas etc. Lighting makes a massive difference to a room, and done well can really make a room jump. Unfortunately most people seem to see lighting as just making sure you can see properly, which is a shame.

As I think I mentioned in the other post there are loads of websites and blog posts, especially on places like Houzz, that really show what good lighting can do, so worth taking a look when planning lighting.
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