How many of you buy 'Tog magazines?

British Journal of Photography - brilliant with lots of articles on fine art and photography as a concept rather than the usual run of "how to use the DSLR you got for Christmas/birthday et al" crap with ads.

BJP covers everything photography and is a good read - has iPad edition too.

Also love Black and White Photography magazine - a lot of film content still covered in there with interesting alternative technique tutorials and stuff from time to time.
I used to buy them fairly often when I was doing Photography at Uni, these days though I wouldn't bother, mainly because of many of the aforementioned reasons, such as the fact that most advice can be found on the internet and magazines also tend to repeat themselves.

I've never looked at any of the more professional marketed photography magazines, I'm sure they cover more interesting topics than "How to take a picture of the sunset" or whatever.
i spend more time watching stuff on youtube about photography than reading mags tbh, which do get samey after awhile, I did like how some take a reader submitted photo and do post processing stuff on it, showing how effective it can be, more than i realised :o
I used to buy Amateur Pornographer all the time when i had film cameras (when it was all fields around here etc). I can't remember buying any magazines at all since i went Digital..
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