How many of you have Auto updates turned on?

Concorde Rules said:
Disabled, and any services to do with auto-update are disabled. My system gets updated when it gets reinstalled, thats whenever nvidia can be bothered to release a new chipset driver :D

We might be the same persion..that's exactly what I used to do lol
dont bother with auto updates, i just download autopatcher every month and do a months worth in one go. anyone else you this method?
Werewolf said:
same here, set to tell me when updates are ready :)

I also manually check windows update whenever I hear of a problem


i trust MS not to put any bad software on their autoupdate.

-i can't say the same about their driver updates tho! so glad they don't download automatically
i used to have autoupdates on. that is until one night i was sat up past 3am and my pc popped up with a countdown timer giving me 5 minutes before the pc would reboot. i cancelled it but it kept coming back every few minutes. how ******* annoying. :mad:

also it doesn't seem to take into account any active programs you have running either. i could understand the pc installing updates and rebooting if it's idle, but not when it's in use..... :p
I used to be a control freak concerning my system and updates and did it all manually.
After fitting a new HD last week i have let things ride as is with all auto updates left on.
Last night after leaving the BF2 server i had been playing on my system let me know that i had updates to instal. They had downloaded during my play without me even noticing or getting lag.
I got a 10meg connection and 2Gig. Might as well take advantage if it and just let things run its course.
Unless of course there is some security risk you guys inform me about.
By Default i turn Windows update off, or to Notify me. I dont like things down loading when i'm playing games. I also like to know what goes on my PC's. i'm a bit stuck at the moment as i dont like the Genuine updte install thigy then you DL patches from the website....
Could someone possibly tell me how to completly dissable windows update as I personally don't use it and having the security shield telling me what i already know whilst using up system resources is really bugging me. Thanks
I also dont have Windows Automatic Updates on, like a few other people have said I prefer to know exactly what goes on my PC and when. Therefore I read what it is before it goes on.

Turn off Automatic Updates by going to Start - Control Panel - Security Centre - Automatic Updates and check the 'Turn Off Automatic Updates'.
I have done that. However it still tells me that it is turned off and i get the annoying little red shield with a cross in it in the system tray at the bottom right of my screen :(
Sagi3 said:
I have done that. However it still tells me that it is turned off and i get the annoying little red shield with a cross in it in the system tray at the bottom right of my screen :(

Go to the Security center in Control panel and when the screen pops up on the left hand side there is a list of things.

Click on '' Change the way Security center alerts me' and then Uncheck the boxes.
Thanks a lot ACPCUP, much appreciated. So simple, yet so difficult if you don't know where to look. Thanks again :D
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