How many quad core enabled games do you know?

sr4470 said:
Didn't we have a huge list of multi core supporting games not so long ago?

Yes I made one, but I figured out it was incorrect, due to some games working in dc mode for ppl, and some not, besides it was a dualcore list, and oudated (ie games like fligth sim x now do support dual core with sp1)

If anyone is still interested here is the list I made ages ago, still willing to continue it, but have to do it with your help, I don't own all games...
I could edit the first post and add in every game listed here so its more like an actual offical list.

Could help people deside which CPU to get achuly if we had a list for Duel and quad. But i gues most games are duel now.
The crysis devs said all there current riggs are Core2duos and thats what there developing it with and on, but it will sport quad core +.

Now I got a bad feeling its gonna make wicked use of dual core and not quad core...dunno why hope im wrong.

But I still reckon quad core support is better, theres more titles and pretty much all the big titles due in the next 2-4 months before Xmas support multiple processors.
That does sound rather like its gona be a hell lot more optimized for duel then quad. But to be fair in a way that is best for the majority of people. But it is limiting its optimization for the smoothest gameplay and most people who have rigs good enough to run this game are probly going to go quad core soon anyway as they always want to have the best, just like me :D
LoadsaMoney said:
Stalkers gona use dual core with the new 1.4 patch thats due any day now.

Good to hear - might be a reason to buy it. Although, many people seem to be disappointed with this one...
One thing you need to be aware of is that because of the way game software tends to work, you will (usually) get diminishing returns from having more cpus/cores.

This is because in order to get the full benefit from multicore, you need to have multiple threads which are roughly comprable in terms of how much horsepower they require.

The problem is, that some threads (typically rendering, physics etc) are vastly more demanding than others (networking, input) and so you will have your physics thread running at 100% while other threads are only using about 5% capacity.

Optimising for dual core is therefore far easier / more efficient than for quad, octa or whatever because only a couple of threads are probably taking up 90%+ of the cpu time.

Obviously one would hope that in the future quad+ core support would allow us to have much more advanced AI due to having a core/thread dedicated to it. The trouble is of course, the biggest limitation on AI is more to do with the lack of good enough code rather than computational power.
HangTime said:
One thing you need to be aware of is that because of the way game software tends to work, you will (usually) get diminishing returns from having more cpus/cores.

This is because in order to get the full benefit from multicore, you need to have multiple threads which are roughly comprable in terms of how much horsepower they require.

The problem is, that some threads (typically rendering, physics etc) are vastly more demanding than others (networking, input) and so you will have your physics thread running at 100% while other threads are only using about 5% capacity.

Optimising for dual core is therefore far easier / more efficient than for quad, octa or whatever because only a couple of threads are probably taking up 90%+ of the cpu time.

Obviously one would hope that in the future quad+ core support would allow us to have much more advanced AI due to having a core/thread dedicated to it. The trouble is of course, the biggest limitation on AI is more to do with the lack of good enough code rather than computational power.

Can belive that tbh its like in Supreme commander they say under vista that with quad core its actually very smooth and good running but actual benchmarks still show it faster on a dual core....

Perhaps not in sheer fps but overall performance may count.
What is this Alan Wake. i've heard bit about it but nothing really of what its about. i remember something from around the 360 launch time but nothing since.
stumpy187 said:
What is this Alan Wake. i've heard bit about it but nothing really of what its about. i remember something from around the 360 launch time but nothing since.

It's meant to be a psychological action thriller, whatever that means...
Dont think source is properly multithreaded yet, they were working on some wierd multithreading for it, valve being different to everyone else, as always :)

Isnt bf2142 dual core optimized? sure i saw something saying it was

Either way, i like having a seperate core to run games with, while the other has to deal with windows etc:)
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