How many racing sims are out there?

26 Jan 2005
Newcastle, UK
Hey all,

I'm trying to find as many fairly modern racing sims to demo and finally buy one when I find one that I like, but I don't know of many.

I'm very very close to buying an S2 license for LFS as I've been enjoying the demo. However, I know there are other sims out there I'd like to try first.

I'm also a bit of a graphics whore and would like something that is a little bit more aesthetically pleasing. Don't get me wrong LFS is a fairly smooth-looking game, but it just feels like there's something missing.

If my hunt for a sim that I can still enjoy is unsuccessful I will get myself an S2 license and start practicing :)

Any recommendations will be welcome,
GTR and GT legends \o/
edit. GTR 2 is has just come out.. hopefully no one read this before i edited it.*runs to shop*
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shimy182 said:
GTR and GT legends \o/
edit. GTR 2 is has just come out.. hopefully no one read this before i edited it.*runs to shop*

.. at 1:40am? :p

Is it actually out then?

Edit: it's not - what are you talking about?
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Rfactor is number one when it comes to Sim.
LFS is great fun but in my opinion RF is more Sim and has a better feel to it.
Being open source there are mods released on a weekly basis so there is something to suit all. The best mod/drive in my opinion is the Meganes.
There's just about every class you can think of available out there somewhere and if it hasn't been released yet then it will soon.
The community is tight knit but strong and has some exceptional talent amonst the ranks. Driving standards are very high.
Don't judge RF by it's demo though as it's an early release that has never been updated. Although the demo is good it's nothing compared to the actual game/mods.
This link will give you an idea of the mods/cars/tracks available to you. Mods&CFID=252876&CFTOKEN=48108958
Thanks for the replies.

I like the sound of RF. The mod you recommend is Meganes? I might go check that out now.

Does rFactor play well with a steering wheel? I loved how LFS feels with my wheel.

Also, where are the official forums for it? I'm trying to find a beginners forum or somewhere for noobs but I can't find anything :confused:

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I just bought RF so I can demo it properly (as I can return it within 48 hours if I'm not happy), but I've also just downloaded the GTR2 demo and it seems identical to RF?

The interface is similar, all of the default car controls are exactly the same. The computer aided controls are exactly the same as well.

Even the graphics set up screen and the screen where you can select your car and spin it on the showroom platform thing? That's the same too.

The graphics don't seem much better than RF.

Am I missing something? :confused:
GTR2 is an Arcade racer made to please the populous.
RFactor has been designed to be used for Sim racing. Go to any F1 event and look at the Sim they will be using to demo, it will be Rfactor.
The "other" racers are enjoyable drives and can be fun but for realism Rfactor owns all.
Here are the links you will need the first being a link for mods and tracks. Look along top bar and select lists and go from there. everything you need is here.

This is the best forum.

Make sure you are on the latest patch the 1070 and get the Meganes link here Trophy 2005

Have fun and look out for any of our members we are [ISR] International Sim racers.
Scott Salisbury said:
I just bought RF so I can demo it properly (as I can return it within 48 hours if I'm not happy), but I've also just downloaded the GTR2 demo and it seems identical to RF?

The interface is similar, all of the default car controls are exactly the same. The computer aided controls are exactly the same as well.

Even the graphics set up screen and the screen where you can select your car and spin it on the showroom platform thing? That's the same too.

The graphics don't seem much better than RF.

Am I missing something? :confused:

They both utilise the same game engine and therefore the same graphics/physics/sound/frontend libraries, and so you'll find an awful lot of ISI-powered titles have the same feel to them.
malc30 said:
GTR2 is an Arcade racer made to please the populous.


rFactor is good, but excellent quality mods seem far and few between, with the obvious Megane, Carrera and F3 mod. Personally I've been playing it but it just doesn't do it for me.
Oh right, thanks for the replies. I knew there was something not quite adding up there. So RF is like uberrealism and GTR2 will be just a dumbed down version?

I'll stick with RF then :D

Thanks for the links, I'm downloading the meganes mod now. I'll look out for ya, any specific servers you play on?

I haven't went online with it yet.

elkdanger said:
but excellent quality mods seem far and few between
Upon my first inspection of a few mods I've downloaded, I've noticed this too. I'm a grahics whore just as much as I admire good gameplay and if I don't find enough high quality addons, I may find it difficult to get into.

If I was playing on a poo computer I might be able to get away with it, but playing on a high def monitor at 1980x1050 is not very forgiving on the lesser addons.
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Our own server has [ISR] in the title. I am [ISR]Wolf. Other senior members to look out for are [ISR]Suban and [ISR]Muze. Say hi, tell them i sent you and get there set ups. :p
Do not expect to beat these guys as they are some of the best in the world but show them some respect and they will teach you loads, they have me.
Mods to download are the ones with 4 stars and over but stick to the Meganes for now as they are not only the best but also the busiest server wise.
You will soon get to recognise the modders names and know what modders tracks and cars to use and which ones to ignore.
The star rating on the mod site i gave you is very reliable. 4 plus stars is a must have, ignore the rest.
Welcome to the world of Sim racing. :cool:
Scott Salisbury said:
So RF is like uberrealism and GTR2 will be just a dumbed down version?

Well, I would have said the opposite was true, but perhaps dumbed down is the wrong word. The main difference is that rFactor is a simulation designed to be modded, whereas GTR isn't. Because of that, I expect GTR2 to be a much higher quality product when it is released.

Scott Salisbury said:
Upon my first inspection of a few mods I've downloaded, I've noticed this too. I'm a grahics whore just as much as I admire good gameplay and if I don't find enough high quality addons, I may find it difficult to get into.

Yeah - when I said quality I did mean in terms of gameplay, car handling, physics etc. A lot of mods just seem unfinished; the designers care mostly about the quality of the car models and so on (which are important, I'll give you that) but I'd like to see mod designers take more pride in the handling of the cars they are creating, pay more attention to the detail in circuits they create and even just ironing out the bugs!
ISI are gonna release a 700mb patch sometime very soon (maybe today?)

You should get an awsome mod then!

CTDP 2005


I think i can now happily rest my case on RFactor being the best online racing game.
I have just done a complete reinstall of RF, reactivated it then downloaded this new patch. Absolutely awesome. The list of changes if posted would be the biggest post ever on these boards the guys have really excelled themselves.
Well done for posting mate those screenies should pull a few more racer in.

New cars new tracks fantastic. I am buzzing like a school boy and will be racing all day and all night to familiarise myself.
Not tried rFactor (it's on my to do list), but I don't find LFS very good really, bought the S2 licence and tried to like it but it just isn't happening...

My personal favourite sim is Grand Prix Legends, old now so even with the graphical add on's it doesn't look amazing (but not bad by any stretch), but the way the cars handle is awesome, so rewarding when you do it right, and frustrating when you do it wrong :p

GT Legends is also quite good, although i've only played the demo

GTR I didn't enjoy the demo of, GP4 i've never played but GP3 was reasonably good...

Definately get the GPL demo though, i believe theres even one around that has all the updated textures as well :)
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