How many racing sims are out there?

Yeah, I was sort of getting hooked trying to beat my own lap times on the LFS demo, but there is just soemthing about it that is lacking and didn't want to buy the S2 license for me to play it a few times then never go on it again.

I haven't properly played RF yet but I have enjoyed it slightly more, however I prefer the menu interface in LFS than RF.

I'm still yet to try other demos to see if anything sticks out.

Graphics wise though, after trying LFS, GTR2 and RF, none of these have really impressed me. Looking at screen shots they look fine, but when you're actually playing they still feel a bit basic.
Another RFactor fan here, I just love the way the game feels, it's just 'right'. the physics feel just great.

It can look a little cartoony out of the box, but install a hires texture pack and it looks incredible, sometimes near photo-realistic.
Bezinator said:
That game is a absolute legend :D

If you can spare £10 get it!

And if you can find it for £10 buy several copies and sell them on fleabay for the £30+ it usually goes for! Seriously gp4 is hard to get hold of. Great game though.
Rfactor guys, how long does it take for the key/serial thing to come through after purchase, and does it support mutiple devices plugged in, as i have a 2 wheels and a shifter, that i use (one wheel for the wheel on its own, the other one is converted to 3 pedals, and the shifter is the Act Labs shifter)
DreXeL said:
It can look a little cartoony out of the box, but install a hires texture pack and it looks incredible, sometimes near photo-realistic.

Do you have a link to said hi-res texture pack? I'm trying to get mine looking decent before I give up on rFactor completely.
im pondering whether to buy GTR2 or Rfactor. i love LFS too bits and it will always be my main Driving Sim, but i want something a bit more arcadey, and i know gtr2 and rfactor are meant to be sims, but there very pick up and play, which i fancy a bit of. gtr2 demo is amazing imo, but the rfactor update, meh iunno. plus the f1 car looks pretty good, i know its in LFS, and its great to drive in that, but its still not quite got the formula 1 feeling to it...
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I was a bit disappointed with the rFactor update to be honest. I mean, all the bug fixes and things are certainly welcome, but the new tracks (especially Barcelona) are just laughably inaccurate. Did the rFactor team themselves produce these circuits? The BMW is a bit underwhelming too; the steering feels far too light and unresponsive for my liking.

I much prefer the BMW as represented in LFS. I was hoping that this new update would be the turning point in heightening my interest in playing rFactor, but sadly it hasn't. Bring on GTR2!
LFS is arcade compared to Rfactor. Period.
The BMW feels loads better in RF and at least it is realistic rather than just a foot down arcade thrash like LFS. The things you can get away with in LFS are laughable. LFS is a fun game Not a Sim game.
The tracks on RF are supposed to be a challenge not a cruise round with foot bedded to the floor.
malc30 said:
LFS is arcade compared to Rfactor. Period.
The BMW feels loads better in RF and at least it is realistic rather than just a foot down arcade thrash like LFS. The things you can get away with in LFS are laughable. LFS is a fun game Not a Sim game.
The tracks on RF are supposed to be a challenge not a cruise round with foot bedded to the floor.
lets not turn this into a lfs v rfactor, but come on, try driving round a track in LFS with the accelerator on full, you need smooth input, try and just slam the pedal down on the exit of a corner and youll have no chance. go try driving the Formula V8 around and see if you can floor it out of corners.

likewise, some of the things you can get away with in rfactor are daft aswell. both sims have there faults, and its a matter of personal preference, some people like lfs, some like rfactor. dont try to ram it down people's throats.
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deko said:
dont try to ram it down people's throats.

If giving my opinion is ramming it down your throat then Tuff and get used to it as this is England and we are allowed our own opinions here mate.

I wrote my honest opinion after owning and playing both titles extensively.
At least i Own them both and have played them both a lot which is more than can be said for most that comment.
elkdanger said:
I was a bit disappointed with the rFactor update to be honest. I mean, all the bug fixes and things are certainly welcome, but the new tracks (especially Barcelona) are just laughably inaccurate. Did the rFactor team themselves produce these circuits? The BMW is a bit underwhelming too; the steering feels far too light and unresponsive for my liking.

I much prefer the BMW as represented in LFS. I was hoping that this new update would be the turning point in heightening my interest in playing rFactor, but sadly it hasn't. Bring on GTR2!

The tracks were done by ISI and Scott J. They are gonna continue to make adjustments to them over time.

The BMW car is the same code that BMW use in their tech parks at race weekends.
leaskovski said:
The tracks were done by ISI and Scott J. They are gonna continue to make adjustments to them over time.

The BMW car is the same code that BMW use in their tech parks at race weekends.

I can't really comment on the BMW car I suppose, having never played it at their tech parks.

As for the tracks, Barcelona in particular just feels unfinished. There's no life in it, and the geometry of the circuit is just not representative of the real-life circuit at all. For an easy comparison straight off, play the version of Barcelona that ships with the GTR2 demo. I just can't understand why they bothered to release it with this patch and not hold out until they had finished the work on it. The other circuits that were released seem a little better, but they all seem to have this feeling that they were hacked together :(

The Megane racing at the short Silverstone circuit is pretty good however; I like those. Sort of.
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