How much do you and your partner pay towards mortgage/rent each?

16 Nov 2002
The Moon
I'm talking about in a "not yet married" relationship. How much do you pay towards your rent/mortgage compared to your partner?

I.e do you split everything 50/50, or do you do it based on earnings so who ever earns more pays more (comparatively based on a %'age?) or do you do it another way?

I only ask I was having a convo with the girlfriend earlier as we've been living together for a year now in a rented place but we've both just moved back to our parents as she got a new job nearer home and it made sense for us both to move back there. When we rented we just split everything 50/50, I work full time and she was a student with a part time job and it was all good.

Now if we were to buy somewhere the mortgage repayments would be roughly what we paid in rent (maybe a bit more but nothing unmanageable) and we were both easily able to afford that (even when she was a student).

Her salary isn't rubbish, but it isn't great either, its average for an entry level role but hopefully should improve in the future - I digress, anyway, we got onto the subject of mortgage repayments if we did buy a house and she said that because I earnt more than her (around 25%'ish) that I should pay more to the mortgage.

Now I didn't really agree with that as we had both happily paid 50/50 towards rent/furniture/bills/food/etc in our rented place why should this change for somewhere we buy as we managed fine then? Especially as she isn't even a student anymore and has a full time job.

I'm just wondering what others do re: mortgage payments etc? I gather lots of couples have joint accounts and things like that but i'm just wondering what other people do really!

I know there is a lot more to it and it is down to individual couples relationships and also being married plays a big part in that as well, but any thoughts would be appreciated and would help me get a flavour of how other couples deal with this sort of thing!
So you own more than 50% of the house then. Keep it simple.

Personally I think of the money as our money so because I work full time and my partner about half that for less pay I pay all bills. she does pay her half of the rent but that's all and that works for us. She does however look after our child while I work and that really is an unquantifiable job in terms of cash
We have a joint account for our mortgage, utilities and house bills. We both pay an equal amount in which covers slightly above 50% of the average monthly outgoings.

We both maintain our own account and each person is free to send the rest of their cash as they wish.

Background: Been together ten years, owned joint mortgage 2 years, lived together 5 years

Works well, 50/50 prevents any arguments ( she buys too many shoes...)
50/50 here.
Same as djferrick, I see it as our money and we pretty much need all of it to cover our bills anyway.
I earn about three times what the Mrs does and a third of her income arrives as an annual bonus. Mrs pays child care costs and I pay everything else. When her bonus cones in each year we use it to do done decorating or for a holiday (or it goes in the extension / new kitchen fund).

I see it that we each own 50% of the house as we are in this together.
My mate used to earn pretty much triple what his girlfriend did, but insisted everything was 50/50. The net result was that she racked up something like 20 grand on credit cards trying to "keep up" with his salary. Nice work.
Those of you saying you split the costs 50/50 do you earn a comparable salary to your partner? Or do you earn more or less.

I know things get a bit different when you have children etc!
We split it based on earnings and have a trust deed to specify how much we each own of the house.

We simply wouldn't have been able to afford the place we wanted to buy if we'd done it 50/50.
Those of you earning a decent wedge more and demanding straight 50/50 . . christ.

When my missus was full time (mum now) we just agreed a figure that I thought was fair and she gaveme that every month. It was no way near half, because I earned twice as much. Our money is joint, it's OUR money, not mine or hers.

I can't stand people that have to be straight down the middle on everything. Its just money, chillout ffs.
When we first got together, we both had separate properties. She paid for her own and I did the same.

When she moved into mine she paid some towards the bills, and still kept paying her own mortgage. She finally rented hers out which covered her mortgage.

We went 50/50 on everything at my house.

We have now sold both properties and bought the one house, my wife had substantially more equity in her property than mine, so we used her monies to buy the property and we used mine for the legal bills etc..

With the birth of our son, my wife only works part time, so I pay for nearly everything, and my wife pays what she can, plus my wife pays all the nursery fees as well.
never thought about that before...

I put 1600 into the joint account she puts 500... but then i earn more than her...

come to think about it thats a lot of money we are spending each month...
We are pretty relaxed about who pays what % .

Our Mortgage and Mortgage bank account is with HSBC, so my salary goes into that and it covers the house, council tax, childcare costs and all of the other bills.

My Fiancé salary goes into a joint Barclays account and covers food, all petrol, presents for family, clothes, all of our sons day-to-day costs and everything else .

The only thing we split out is our own car payments.
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If you break up and the house is sold and split, it will be split 50/50 regardless of what you paid into the mortgage.

So if you pay more than 50% it's with the understanding that you'll probably never see that money again.

She'd have to put out a lot, basically.
Before we was married me and my wife used to put £150 a week each into a seperate account where the mortgage, council tax, utility bill, virgin media, iinsurances etc etc would come out from.
No we are married the deal is the same exept some weeks i put an extra £50 in to try and build a surplus in case somethiing bad like illness happens or the boiler blows up etc etc.
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