How much gametime do you have left to beat every game in your Steam library?

Ive not seen this one before, makes a change from the dollar dollar bills y'all version!

I have nearly a year to go,
7055 continuous hours
293 days,23 hours,24 minutes

Im going to ring in sick tomorrow to knock a few hours off.
It would take you...
3497 continuous hours
145 days,17 hours,1 minutes
of gameplay to complete your Steam library

More time that i've spent playing my main on WoW
It would take you...
3586 continuous hours
149 days,10 hours,49 minutes
of gameplay to complete your Steam library
It would take you...
4029 continuous hours
167 days,21 hours,36 minutes
of gameplay to complete your Steam library
It would take me:
340 continuous hours
14 days,4 hours,54 minutes

But i have completed most of the games just on my xbox before i started PC gaming again :(
I'd only bother completing good games, I have too much trash like Risen 2 clogging up my library.

I will go to my grave never beating my library.
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