How much have you spent?

16 Nov 2009
on Steam games?

Iv had my account 3 years now and have 65 games with a total value of £838:eek:

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7 quid.

8 years, 5 games from purchased from steam. Only tend to buy anything of value/to me, no stuff i'll never play.
No that much & I have had a Steam account since HL2 in 2004. I rarely buy full price games on Steam thats just burning money for no reason you can buy so many decent games if you wait for sales or buy the retail version 25-30% cheaper!

Why give Valve their full PC gaming tax ;)
I haven't paid for any games (apart from a few humble bundles) in years....
but my steam account
68 games
total value £645
value with sales £146
1,402.7 hours over 10 years
£521 with sales
£1,680 face value
177 games

Apparently, 84 games 'not played' which would hugely surprise me unless it's including those ones that appear for free and I ignore. Also, Civ IV appears as 8 entries I think (you get the Mac ones too, and an entry for each expansion on each system) but I've only ever launched through one of the links.

It also lists HL2 and the expansions as 'unplayed' despite having completed them several times. And Portal. And other stuff I know I've played several hours of at the very least.
Profile creation 10 years ago (September 3, 2004 – 17:03:02 UTC)
queamin value with sales£518
139 games with a total value of £1394
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