How much have you spent?

Sale price- £692 | Total value - £2487
Games owned -301 | Games Not played - 204 (68%)
Hours played - 1077
Account Created - 3 years ago

I just cant resist a sale
value with sales £1495
568 games with a total value of £4706
Games not played 318 (56%)
Hours on record 4,363.7h
Profile created 10 years ago
4,859.8 hours on record
Profile created 7yrs ago

value with sales £797
games total value £2608

Games owned 264
Games not played 101 (38%)
Games not in store 13

My Name is Ultradad, i am a Steamaholic nice to meet you all :D
Profile is 8 years old and 1000 hours logged.
252 games with total value is 3191€
Value with sales is 912€

Lots of bundles in there, and 60% of games have never been played...
Value with Sales: £226
Total Value: £546
Total Games: 57

200h put in across the whole Borderlands franchise, and I don't like the majority of FPS games!

Shame the stats aren't 100% accurate, I know for a fact that I put in way more than just 1.4h in Left 4 Dead.
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Total account value

Total cost with sales

Games owned

Hours on record

Games not played

Games not played

All started after I gave up WoW looking for something else to play and the likes of humble and bundlestars don't help :) it don't inc a few of my fav games that not on steam either ie fifa , FA and D3
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