How much should a small decent flat cost in the UK?

[FnG]magnolia is the unofficial forum watchdog. They swear that they can sniff out a wrong'un at twenty paces, although these days it doesn't seem to take much to make her clutch her pearls.
My spidey sense may have been off on this one, true ...
Generally property searches are driven by needing to live in a certain area for work or whatever. If your question is serious, it might help if you explained what you are ultimately trying to achieve, so people can better understand your requirements.

... however, it's an almost nonsensical question lacking any of the detail you would add if you were serious, which the OP appears to suggest.

OP: "How much is thing?"
GD: "Well, there are lots of things, sometimes around $1,100"
OP: "That seems expensive. Do you agree?"
GD: "Well, it depends."
OP: "I see. What other thoughts do you have?"

etc etc
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