How much sleep do you actually need ?

Is it "bad" to "over sleep" ??

Normally If I dont have to get up i can sleep for 12+ hours easily (14/16 most times) Feeling the same as if I have had 6-8hours of sleep. Just a wondering :)
callmeBadger said:
I'm one of the unlucky few, I used to get by with 4 hours whilst at Uni, since working i'm upto 5.30 or 6 hours. Go to sleep when i'm tired around 1am and wake up with no alarm between 6.30 and 7.30

Weird thing, when i know i've got a big day at work and need to be in early, i'll still sleep the from 1 am, just wake up earlier. I've always been like this....

Sound exactly like I used to be. That works for a while especially if you manage to get top-ups every so often. Like lie ins here and there. But after a year or two you'll run down your system.
Psypher5 said:
Is it "bad" to "over sleep" ??

Normally If I dont have to get up i can sleep for 12+ hours easily (14/16 most times) Feeling the same as if I have had 6-8hours of sleep. Just a wondering :)

Its not the same quality of sleep as regular sleep. Over time you'll run yourself down.
i get 5.5-6 hours a day, every day. even when im not working:( i've tried everything bar sleeping pill and im not touching them. My problem isn't sleeping in general, its getting to sleep. My mind just doesnt know when to shut down.
daftVader said:
I've tried doing that, but I seem to be up for 18 hours and then want to sleep for 8. I just can't seem to sync with a 24 hour day properly :( On top of which it usually takes me a few hours to get to sleep once I'm actually in bed.

What's even weirder is sometimes if I've been watching tv or sat at my pc before bedtime, I'll get up to go to bed and by the time i've brushed my teeth and gone into the bedroom I'm wide awake again.

I'm a bit like that myself. Always had odd hours. Even when tired I can find it hard to sleep. Personally I find I have to stay away from TV or the PC if I want to sleep. It simulates your mind too much. You need a light book. I find music doesn't work as I wake up to listen to it.

My clock is definately works best on a late shift. But as the world doesn't work that way its a conflict.
I usually sleep for 8 hours if I don't have to get up for anything. I was up all night last night and didn't get to bed until 10 this morning.
Sparky191 said:
Sound exactly like I used to be. That works for a while especially if you manage to get top-ups every so often. Like lie ins here and there. But after a year or two you'll run down your system.

Been like this for past 7 or 8 years. i hope it don't all catch up, 4 hours missed a night for 8 years is something like 15 months.
I read somewhere that people who sleep more live longer and tend to be healthier. I have to admit that from the people I know that tends to be true. If you suffered from a serious lack of sleep for any extended time, like when you have kids, you'll realise how lack of sleep effects you in the long run. I went through a spell of getting 2-4hrs sleep for about 2 yrs and everything suffers. While I had a great tolerance for no sleep when I was <28 when I got past this I really found lack of sleep effects me much more now. Plus that you tend to be busier and have less oportunies to catch up THAN when you are younger, and/or single etc.
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7-9 hours, less than 7 and I feel cack, less than 6 i get a headache, more than 9 i get a headache all day and feel drowsy >:(. I used to do much less sleeping, I suppose it really does spank you when you get older.
For me to be sprucey, I need a good 7hours sleepo (before or after 12midnight!) But, as some of you may know, I stayed fairly sound when staying awake for 8days and didn't lose my temper other than once! Though I did look like trash and couldn't function properly!

Nix said:
8 hours, sleep is incredibly important. It repairs your body, things grow and it helps you live longer. Without enough sleep you can end up with a serious chemical imbalance in the brain and it's very bad for you.

:confused: Nix, we do not know enough about sleep deprivation to put down facts like you have above. What kind of serious chemical imbalance are you talking about? I have read many studies which show that activity within the frontal cortex is considerably reduced in sleep deprived participants, however, after a recovery sleep, the participants brain activity returns to normal. I'm not quite sure what your definition of "bad" is, I am presuming you are suggesting it means that the person is less capable of mentally and physically functioning to their optimum when sleep deprived? You would be right if that is the case, but if you are suggesting it could cause long term defects and mental problems, I would say that in the vast majority of cases, this is not so.

Research shows that everyone has their own biological clock, and sleep time averages around 6 - 9 hours a night... so I'm intrigued as to where you have plucked this definite 8hours from?

The whole living longer thing has confused me too! :( Where did you hear this? If you are severely sleep deprived, I could understand how this might affect your life span (as your immune system weakens etc leaving you more susceptible to illnesses), but I would suggest that each individual case would vary considerably! Many psychologists have stated that sleep deprived persons show signs of ageing, but when they have their recovery sleep, these physical attributes completely vanish? Is this what you meant?

I used to study sleep deprivation and have read up on it a lot due to my experiences, so I would be interested to know what makes you think the above and where you found this information!

I do understand some of the things you have said, please do not think I'm digging at you, but you have kind of made it sound life threatening which cannot be proven and might put the jitters up some people! :p

Has anyone read up on this new drug modafinal? It's a drug whereby if taken, makes the person not feel the need to sleep and be comfortable with only a mere couple or hours per night. In last months New Scientist there was an article about it and it suggested that there were no side affects (other than a few reports of headaches)... but how mentals that!?! I would never take it! :eek:
General human requirement rests between 5 and 8 hours if I recall correctly, totally dependant on the person.

Ant :cool:
WantoN said:
General human requirement rests between 5 and 8 hours if I recall correctly, totally dependant on the person.

Ant :cool:

Isn't there a formula or something to work out how many hours sleep you need depending on your age?

I'm certain that adults don't need as much sleep as kids and babies need it even more so.
Nix said:
8 hours, sleep is incredibly important. It repairs your body, things grow and it helps you live longer. Without enough sleep you can end up with a serious chemical imbalance in the brain and it's very bad for you.

Mmm I wonder if this is why I started suffering with panic attacks a chemical imbalance due to the fact I never sleep properly. My hours change all the time some times I hardly sleep at all I'm jusy weird.
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