How much..

15 Jan 2006
How much would I be looking to pay for a good quality 17" or bigger CRT monitor that's ideal for games?

Really I wouldn't want to be spending anymore than £80..

Can anyone recommend one or will I be needing to pay a lot more?
That looks good, but will it act as a TFT?

I mean the reason I want a CRT is if my comp can't handle a game I can drop it down a few resolutions so it runs better which you can't do with a TFT. Will I be able to do that with this?
I was just asking if I could get a decent 17" monitor for £80 or under.

Only reason resolutions was brought in to it was because the first guy gave me a link to a monitor that is a flat screen and I wondered if it'd just act as TFT.
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