how real will games get?

I reckon that way in the future graphics will become so realistic that some people might find say an fps quite disturbung to play.
Chaos said:
I reckon that way in the future graphics will become so realistic that some people might find say an fps quite disturbung to play.

play FEAR. paradigm, it was sof2, i have it and can post some shots if you like
handily in SWAT 4 you can now beat your prisoners into submission...much more realistic :D
Sweetloaf said:
So did Barbarian on the C64

O M G ! :eek: I loved that game .. Can i get that on my PC ?

ROFL .... what a game ... Head would be cut off and then kicked hahahah

Sweetloaf thanks for reminding me about that game . ;)

link ;) Clicky
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they should develop some kind of addon that u attach to your body and so when u get hit/shot/damaged in whatever area of the player model, that pain can get transferred to the player. obv it shouldnt be lifelike, i mean getting shot in the leg i imagine is pretty painful :)
Radiation said:
I've always wondered why right now we couldn't have a graphical overlay on the real environment.

Imagine shooting stuff in your house or outside that's overlayed onto your view and being perfectly placed and lighted to the surroundings?

People might start getting some good exercise then, the only problem is you might not have the most interesting places to visit unless it could work out where all surfaces and objects are and overlay interesting textures etc.

It could be a sunny outside but you could overlay a resident evil scenario and all of a sudden it looks like its night time and there's zombies coming for you, just think of the possibilities. :D

Problem with that is it could mess you up, i.e playing so much to the point where you dont know the difference between game and reality. You'd need to have a stable mind for sure. Well.. i'm assuming anyway.
Plenty of games feature people been blown to pieces in a bloody mess. Quake, for example, spawned the phrase "gibbing". Heck, even Doom looks pretty brutal when you smash someone open to reveal a split-open ribcage and a bunch of meaty chunks. Games like Painkiller, Blood2, SoF etc have prided themselves on gory deaths.

One thing to bear in mind is that excessive gore doesn't necessarily translate to fun gameplay. You talk about people being pushed back by rockets, part of that is a gameplay element. Part of what makes Quake so great is the physics, being able to bounce people several metres up in the air with a rocket and then pin them against the ceiling/wall with shaft.

At the end of the day, gore is little more than a novelty that quickly wears off once you've seen a baddie blown into a thousand pieces for the hundreth time. It can make games more initially appealing, but in the long term there needs to be good gameplay underneath it to keep the player interested. Take the Carmageddon series as an example: Carma1+2, great games, played them both for months. Carma TDR2000, on the otherhand, crap game underneath it and lasted less than a week on my PC.
WhoA! that *** RULE!!!, i kinda get anoyed with all this technology when i shoot a guy in the head with a massive sniper rifle its still thier intact with no marks? I enjoyed it on farcry were you had decals on thier actual body like holes> But i want proper holes ECT
^ yep. something on the lines of 'soft skin' i can see that being a new thing on graphics cards soon. skin that is soft instead of like concrete. i.e cut someone and it opens up
MiGSY said:
F.E.A.R also features decapitation.

I believe games will eventually introduce internal body simulation. Currently it's not really feasible with the hardware we've got.

Could you imagine an entirely simulated human body though, that'd be absolutely incredible. A circulatory system simulated using fluid dynamics, simulated skin which can actually be punctured and cut. Bones which can be broken, or a respiritory system: Say if you shot or stabbed a player/enemy in the chest/lungs, they would struggle to breath and collapse.
doesnt hl2 have a command that enables showable guts?
Sweetloaf said:
So did Barbarian on the C64

It also had large breasts on the cover, not desperately relevant I know, but true nonetheless :)

Here it is I remember it well, the game was good too and those little pixely graphics were funny when he took the head off and it bounced around


Think its a page3 model, Ms. Whittaker.

I dont think games have got worse since then, some of the beasts in HL2 are nasty but not horific, a movie still beats pc for this. I watched a documentary on this by the father of a CS player and a psychologist he consulted agreed with this

Eliot said:
doesnt hl2 have a command that enables showable guts?

No but some of the zombie like things appear to have very little skin left
In Bioforge you could pick up this guy's arm that had been ripped off by a laser grid thing and then beat him to death with it. Being clubbed to death with your own limbs is pretty brutal.
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